Two-And-A-Half Months of Death

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Dabi's visits to Kagome became more frequent. Sometimes, she would be so wounded or mortified that she couldn't speak or refused to close her eyes. She'd lost an unhealthy amount of weight, and was on the verge of actually being dead. Dabi swore she was a corpse the last time he'd walked into the room, and she was so covered in blood and so limply hanging by her wrists and ankles, that even he was fazed when she moved. Her eyes were set with deep eye circles, though she got enough sleep. She got to go to the bathroom about once a day, but honestly, there wasn't much solace in that. Just water for two and a half months. "Oh, shi— JESUS, You're alive!"

Kagome jolted violently, though it was still a very weak response. "At least he hasn't become smart enough to think up new ways of torture. I can name about 79 ways I could make him ten times as miserable as me if even one of these shackles came off."

"Believe me, you'll get the opportunity." Dabi chuckled dryly. "I may have a solution to get you out of this, but it comes with setbacks."

"Name a bigger setback than my life?"

"...generously noted. Right, so, I don't think you know, cuz you're a puny freshman, but here's a basic explanation, so pay attention."

"All ears."

"Underworld is all the fishy stuff, Overworld is what you're familiar with. Overworld is all the mainstream. All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, and them defeating daytime sorta loony-toons villains," Dabi began to explain. "The sludge that attacked your brother, is overworld, because he's well known. Underworld, or Underground, is the people who work in the shadows. Shady business, or people working on underlying cases. The biggest thorns for villains would be Eraserhead, other underworld heroes, this League, Yakuzas, and planned crime that happens in shadows. Fishy stuff."

"What's this gotta do with me?"

"There is one significant person that's completely out of bounds for both Overworld and Underworld, because they work for both. A chaotic Neutral if you will. They're called the Informant. Detectives, police, underground heroes will ask this person for information on cases like human trafficking, substance, and lately, us. But the Informant also gives us information. About U.A, and people we need to know, and other such things. They've got no moral compass."

"Epic. I thought you said this would be brief—!"

Dabi fixed her a glare, and Kagome tolled her eyes before shutting up and listening. "Hm. Another thing about this Informant? They've been an integral part of Japan's system. Legal and Illegal. They're an extremely valid source of information, and being the Informant basically makes you die of only natural causes. And there's only one. In all of Japan. I know them personally. And there's really only one qualification: you gotta be super smart."

"Oh, I see." Kagome said, not understanding.

"We've helped wach other iut of many scenarios, and I've given him plenty if evidence that you can be his protege, and successor. He'll be visiting the league soon enough, and Shigaraki, Sensei, Morpheus, none of them will say no to him if he says he wants you to be his successor. Instant respect, instant release." Dabi summarized. "And he already knows where you are, so this can be easily done. As long as you're not stupid, which you're not since you are the top student in U.A, apparently, then this can work."

"I see. Is he gonna make me take an IQ test or am I just gonna need to look pretty," Kagome asked sarcastically.

"I dunno. He'll be talking to Shigaraki soon enough, though."

-/-/- MEANWHILE-/-/-

Kurogiri welcomed the plain looking man into his room. Kazawa Riki, otherwise known as The Informant, a quirkless man that was rather ancient. He had a well-kept, wispy goatee, and grey hair rested as wispily atop his head, hidden by a classy hat, and small lenses placed on the bridge of his nose. His posture was impeccable, but he did seem to bend a bit at the knees. Oh, and a small detail, he had a prosthetic arm. Okay, maybe not such a small detail, but it didn't deter from the respect people had for him.

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