Operation Taterdoll: Reunion

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"Where's the murder bitch." Katsuki demanded, walking through the hospital, "and where the holy hells is my sister?!"

"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted, a bright grun across his face. Something's...not right here. Yeah, the nerd's smiling, but he also usually cries at stuff this important? "Kacchan, we found her! And she's awake, right now."

"She is?!"

"I'll... warn you, though. She's hurt pretty bad..." Izuku led the way, gently explaining how she had scars and fresh cuts alike littering her arms and legs, set in gory designs all the way up to her collarbone. She hadn't been taken advantage of, as far as Kagome's assurances went. "We went to the basement, and then heard a really loud explosion go off— and that's another.. thing. They got her hooked to a set of quirk suppressant handcuffs, and she's burnt her hands pretty bad."

"...I'm gonna kill that motherfu-!"

"Zero already did."

"Your murder friend? Did... she make it out?"

"I don't know," Izuku swallowed. "I'll let you know if I hear from her." Katsuki nodded stiffly, entering the hospital room Izuku stopped at. "Kacchan." Izuku shot him a meaningful look and Katsuki, again, nodded stiffly as he watched him walk in.

Izuku briefly reminisced the previous day; detailed explanations given to Kyouka and Denki, Aizawa giving a stiff sort of affection, Kagome crying ( a lot), bursting into tears along with her followed shortly by Denki and Kyouka, apologizing to Kyouka and Denki for not telling and Kagome swearing them to secrecy, and lord, was there a lot of lecturing. And Izuku also... maybe, sorta, b r i e f l y  (it was NOT brief) remembered kissing Kagome— more like she kissed him, but it was sweet sweet victory for them after a game played the long way. And god was it worth it.

But it was far from over. Kagome still had Yakuza to kill, Zero still had to be active. And who knows how old Izuku and Kagome would grow to be? Would they grow old together or were they both too reckless for their own good? Even after all this, was it possible for them to just decide to be friends? Would she die? Would he die? Or would they get married? And have kids? WHERE DID THAT EVEN COME FROM?!?! Izuku felt his face burn up at the thought, and tried his damndest to get his mind off of it.


Meanwhile, Kagome was sobbing— again, she seemed to be doing that a lot lately— into Katsuki's chest trying her best to both tell him the truth and lie at the same time about yer experience and how she was so glad he was okay.


"No, Nii, it's just.. that... Mom must've been so hard on you after this... and all I could think about was... when and if you were coming and.. Kat, it hurt so bad... it hurts.... so b a d."

"I know... I'm so... so fucking sorry I didn't show up sooner... it had to be just right or we were scared he'd kill you, but that's—!"

"Thank you for all of this. But I think you'll have to do more than just throw moths out of my room, from now on."

"Damn fucking right, I will. Tch. Dumbass, you're gonna be okay from now on. You don't have to worry about anything, because—!"

"I am here! To check up on Kagome Shoujo as a counselor!"

"Really?? Fucking now???"

"And to bring your parents!!!!"

Masaru was the one to drop everything and approach his kids, both wearing their wars on their faces. "I was so worried... so so so fucking worried..." Both teens had never ever heard their father curse. E v e r, and Kagome— well, she started crying again and apologizing profusely for disappearing on them like she had (for not telling them she was now an assassin).

And after this day, Kagome had decided to drop out of the hero course and join the support course.

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