That name jolted my memories 'wasn't that the name of a minor supporting character from the book I read before dying?, Nah it's impossible for me to have transmigrated inside the body of a character from a novel.

   Then I noticed a bright light flashing in the darkness, when I reached out and touched it, it sucked me in and I found myself in a beautiful room, then I noticed group of three in the middle of the room, I moved closer and I saw a beautiful baby girl in the arms of a beautiful woman, standing next to the pair was a handsome and elegant man.

     I stared at the baby and noticed she was just a younger version of my current face , 'Am I seeing the memories of the original owner?' The voice sounded gently next to me " Not just seeing it, I am letting you experience all my memories as this is only thing I can do for you". I nodded in gratitude to the voice.

       Suddenly the scene flashed and changed, now I saw Amaryllis with someone else, a young girl of 5, from what I could see the young girl was bullying her. The scenes kept changing again and again gradually going through all the events in Amaryllis's life letting me experience all her pain and suffering. The final image was of course Amaryllis's last memory and what I saw made my blood boil.

   Once I finished viewing the memories, I could no longer deny that I had indeed transmigrated into a minor character from The supreme Queen, how you may ask?, everything that had happened to Amaryllis was exactly what was written in the book and her memories of this world were the same as that of the book.
As soon as I accepted the fact that I had truly died and that I was no longer in my world but that of a book, I immediately woke up. I looked around and confirmed that I was in the same room alone, you'd think the maids would have noticed something strange but from my memories it was apparent they didn't give Amaryllis the time of day.

  "Don't worry Amaryllis since I have taken your place to live in this world I promise to live well in your stead, your soul may now rest in peace" I said, the stifling feeling in my  chest disappeared and I felt like a huge weight was suddenly lifted from my shoulders 'these feelings must be her last ties to this body' and then I became the true owner of her body.

      "The first thing I need to do is write down all the information from the book" I said as I got out of bed and walked to the bedside table, the glass of  blood was still there but I held off on drinking it for now. I flipped open a small notebook and fumbled for a feather pen in the drawers.

    The world of this story is a female dominated one; this means that the women here take on the roles of the men, they are the ones who work and do the tough jobs while the men take on the role of women, they stay home and manage the homes and children.  The men are docile and elegant whole the women are the breadwinners.

This is what had originally drew me to the novel, the interesting thing is that the women of this world usually had harems, that's right they usually married more than one man, in fact  it was very rare to find cases of women who married just one man.

       The story starts with the birth of the protagonist in a remote village in the demon territory, the protagonist is a half demon which leads to her being bullied by her siblings  from the early stages of her life into the teenage years, and that was why she always had a strong motivation to become the supreme queen, she wanted to show her siblings that she was able to attain the highest position a woman could dream of while they could only look up at her.

     She had a tough life until she met Queen Cecil Sylvester, the queen of the vampires who was returning from a trip, when she ran away from the village to avoid the bullying of her siblings. Due to suffering from malnutrition, she had fainted by the roadside where the queen found her. The queen had her maids heal her and send her back to her home in the village. Lillian ran away 2 more times and was miraculously found by the queen again.
These chance encounters had created a bond between the two people and from then on they met at the village square once a week. These meetings had been what allowed Lillian to know about the situation of Amaryllis, the queen had told her about Amaryllis's character and how even at that she remained her favourite daughter. At this point Lillian was jealous of Amaryllis as even when her character was worse than that of a male, the queen loved her the most.

          The queen had taken a liking to Lillian and Lillian also wished that the queen would adopt her as she had grown to love her like a mother, she had broached the subject to the queen once but the queen had refused saying that her family loved her and wouldn't want to part with her.

       Lillian knew that her family would never let her get adopted and so she came up with a risky plan. On the day they were meant to meet, she let herself get brutally attacked by a wild animal and convinced the queen of her family's carelessness and urged her to adopt her. The queen finally accepted as she thought Lillian's family didn't care for her.

           In  this  story, apart from the  protagonist, there naturally was a villain and minor supporting characters and Lillian had met both when she came to the Sylvester castle. Amaryllis Sylvester had been bullied ever since she was little by her sister, the main villainess of the story, Colette Sylvester and lived a very pitiful life. After a particularly brutal bullying episode, she awakened the power of darkness only to have it stolen from her by Colette by her powerful blood magic.

      The problem was , the blood magic not only removed Amaryllis's power but also everything that made her a vampire and turned her into a human with fangs. The queen had no choice but to send Amaryllis to the human continent as the other races abhorred  humans and would absolutely not let a human or anything remotely related them to live within their territory. Alone in the human continent, Amaryllis lived a life of fear of the humans and being caught by them before she finally died a lonely death.

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