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About a month has passed meaning yoongis birthday was coming up, and Hoseok had just the present.

During one of their earlier coffee dates they got on the topic of animals. More specifically, dogs. Hoseok was surprised to learn that Yoongi had never had a pet dog before but really loved them.

So, on their next coffee date Hoseok found a dog cafe. He didn't know they exist but found one. That may have been the date he realised how deep he was while watching the older play with the dogs.

You see where this is going?

Not wanting to keep the present alone to long Hoseok made sure they were going to his place tonight.


As they rode up in the elevator Hoseok couldn't help but get pay back for the OLDER calling him old in his birthday.

Hoseok: How's the weather grandpa?

Yoongi; I'm gonna hit you.

Hoseok: your to old and frail to reach.

Yoongi: stop..

Hoseok:ok... You sound hurt..? Actually.. You've been in a bad mood all day...

Yoongi: societal pressures are getting to me.. I'll be fine.

Hoseok just leans down and presses his nose into the others neck. As if he had commanded Yoongi automatically tilts his head granting Hoseok premition to scent him.

Hoseok: what kind?

Yoongi: every rank has challenges..Alphas are expected to lead , have a beautiful omega mate, and have alpha children. Betas are supposed to be workers and only mate with each other... Omegas are supposed to stay home, be perfect for their alpha, and constantly have pups. It's just not fair for anyone.

Hoseok: hm.. I gotchu.. Let me guess.. Dumbasses are mad because your 29, following your dreams instead of being their pet.

Yoongi: yeah. But I have my friends and wonderful boyfriend to make me feel better. Also.. I'm not following my dreams yet...

Hoseok: oh?

Yoongi: I wanna be a producer. I thought I told you.

Hoseok: you did. I'm more than willing to give you that job.. I just want to hear what you make first.

Yoongi: later..

The elevator opeans to reveal the stupid huge apartment and Yoongi automatically hears something whining.

Yoongi; what's that sound.

Hoseok: part of your birthday present. Go sit and close your eyes. I'll bring it to you.

As Yoongi sits on the couch Hoseok disappears into his room.

Hoseok: eyes closed?!

Yoongi: yes!

Hoseok: alright, hold out your arms.

As soon as Yoongi does something warm is placed in his arms.

Hoseok: hurry up and open them!

As he opens his eyes they reveal a brown toy poodle puppy.

Hoseok watched as the orders eyes wide and he hold the puppy close.

Hoseok: are you gonna cry?

Yoongi; thank you.. I love..... That's a boy.

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