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As the smaller omega followed the alpha he noticed some people were starting at him..

Hoseok: and here's the dance studios- what's wrong?

Yoongi: people are staring at me..

Hoseok looks around a indeed, some of his former partners are staring. They're probably thinking "poor guy.. About to get heartbroken".. Hes not THAT big of an asshole... He hasn't hurt someone since is senior year of high school..

Hoseok: I mean you are following around there boss.

Yoongi: yeah.. I forgot.

Hes so cute

Hoseok: well.. That seems to be everything! Any questions?

Yoongi: well.. Since I live almost the opposite side if the city...what will happen if I'm late?

Hoseok: as long as your in before lunch I don't care. I have plenty of people who can get me a coffee.. Besides, you mentioned being a heavy sleeper.. I won't out it last you to sleep through an alarm.

Yoongi: oh.. Thank you..

Hoseok: your welcome. I have to go back to work. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Yoongi: alright.. Bye. .... Um.... Which way is the-

Hoseok: the door or to the right.

Yoongi: thanks.. Heh..

When Hoseok got back to his office he had a smirk on his face.

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   🍓🌸🍓🌸🍓🌸🍓🌸🍓🌸🍓🌸🍓🌸🍓While he was walking to a cafe, Yoongi was one the phone with Jin

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While he was walking to a cafe, Yoongi was one the phone with Jin.

Jin: sooo, how'd it go???

Yoongi: well.. You know.. I got the job!

Jin: yaaayy!! You can get that kumamon plush you've been wanting!!

Yoongi: yep! Oh shit. ..

Jin: what?

Yoongi: I think I'm being followed.. Stay on the phone please.. Alpha.

Jin: wait what... Ooooh.. Put me on speaker...

Yoongi: k..

Jin: how are you doing my little omega?

Yoongi: I'm doing well alpha..

You see. This was a self defense tatic. They may not have any romantic chemistry but alphas tend to leave omegas who seem to be claimed alone...

Jin: well.. I can't wait for you to be home. Where I can finally mate you.

Yoongi: m-me too... I'm at the cafe.. What kind of coffee do you want?

Jin: whatever you get love.

Yoongi: ok.

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