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Old habits die hard.

Halfway through the party Yoongi was DRUNK.

So, when a random alpha came and started flirty.. And touching.. Him he was a little louder than usual.

But the party was louder.

Before anything bad could happen the two smelt a honey and rosewood scent, and then the alpha was gone and replaced with.... Hoseok?

Hoseok: are ok hyung?

.. He looked good.. His usual suit was gone and replaced with a simple blue hoodie.. And .. Holy shit this guy was wearing leather.. His legs were nice.. Was he still a dancer?

Hoseok: hyung?

Yoongi: hi hobi!

Hoseok: hi.. Are you ok?

Yoongi: im great.. A little dizzy but I did just drink a bottle of soju in on e sitting..

Hoseok: that's not good for you..

Yoongi: I've had worse.. You look good.. Is that your scent.. I've never smelt it.. It's nice.... Did you-

Hoseok: you talk a lot..thank you.. And yes, thats me.

Yoongi: I'm drunk you can't bully me... I'm tired..

Hoseok: then go to your room.. It's your house..

Yoongi crosses his arms and pouts..
Hoseok heart almost stops.

Yoongi: want hobi to take me there..

Hoseok: I thought you didn't like me?

Yoongi: I do.. A lot.. Just scared.. Now, bed please.

Hoseok does know what to do.. Does he just want him to walk with him... Or does the omega want Hoseok to carry him.

Before he gets an answer the older.. Kinda passes out on his chest..

Hoseok: carrying it is..

As soon as he places the oldest ring his bed... He wakes up.. Still drunk.

Yoongi; aw how nice.. You carried me..

Hoseok: I mean.. You kinda passed out on me..

Yoongi; oh.. Sowwy.. I was probably heavy...

Hoseok: not at all actually.. You won't be coming in to work Monday..

Yoongi; whyyy...

Hoseok: your gonna have a hell of a hang over.. And it might last a few days..

Yoongi: but then I can't see yooouu..

Hoseok: when do you care?

Yoongi: I'm gonna sleep..

Hoseok: .. Goodnight..

Yoongi: have fun seok-ah..

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