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-super fast mode yall-

For the next few months the two continued they're Sunday coffee and began staying at each others house more often.

While Hoseok followes the boundaries that were set and always made sure if Yoongi wanted to change anything the older became more and more trusting if his boyfriend..

Then they're was the long awaited wedding for Namjoon and Seokjin. Which took place in November of all months.

Hoseok was naturally his best man while Yoongi was just part of Jin's party since the older wanted his brother as his best man, which was completely understandable.

Although when walking down the isle the two couldn't help but have some jealousy since they we're together.

But it went away when they relised that  jungkook was the flower boy.

Everyone had a great laugh.

Hoseok had cried during Namjoon and Seokjina vows.. They really did love each other. Didn't help that Namjoon probably wrote a song to go with his vows.

While Hoseok was balling his eyes out Yoongi was smiling, he was so happy that someone he considered a brother had found such a perfect match.

Then they through the bouquet that Namjoons sister brought.

Not exactly what the tradition is but it was fun.

Hoseok had jokingly joined the crowd but we'll... He kinda caught it.. But dropped it so no one would notice..

Jin noticed. He had a smug little smile a good chunk of the party.

Then the dancing happened..and well.. Couples dance... So that's what Hoseok and Yoongi did.. But they spent a little more time watching they're newly married friends..

Yoongi: I'm happy for them..

Hoseok: me too.. It's not often you see a true soul mate pair..

Yoongi: yeah...im gonna freak them out..

Hoseok: what are you gonna do?

Yoongi: just watch.

They made they're way over to the couple.

Yoongi: so when am I, hyeon-hyung, and ji-eun Noona getting neices and nephews?

Jin: I... Um... What?

Namjoon was frozen..

Yoongi: I'm joking..

Jin: oh thank god..

After that and Hoseoks loud giggles the night continued on with congratulations and eventually with the two leaving for their honey moon.

Yoongi: you know~ this means I'll be alone for a week or two.

Hoseok: you want those extra cuddles hm?

Yoongi: of course.. You know me..

Then the elders face dropped.

Yoongi: I don't know why this took me a while you realize but... Seokjins married now... He's gonna move out with Namjoon.. I'm gonna be alone..for the first time in like.. 5 years..

Hoseok: yeah.. I think that'll be good for you...

Yoongi: i don't want to be alone..

Hoseok: I mean.. All you have to do is call me and I'll be there..

Yoongi: promise?

Hoseok: as long as I'm not in the middle of something important, I promise.

Yoongi: good.. Now, can you drive me home in your fancy car?

Hoseok: of course!

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