Chapter 44

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so proud bc this is where i typically end my other books but this one is continuing past here and i'm so proud


Chapter 44

"So that's it?" Ryan asked, letting out a large exhale after setting down the last box. I looked around and nodded. "Well, your 'dorm room' is basically a tiny apartment so I'm sure you'll be just fine. I don't have to move in until tomorrow. I can stay the night?"

"You don't have to," I shook my head, but smiled at his suggestion. It's been three months since the party and I'm moving into my new school now.

"I want to. I know how nervous you can get. You'll do so well in college, Viv," he smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Okay, great. Please stay, then," I giggled and we hugged in my room. Suddenly, a girl with blonde, wavy hair and extremely piercing blue eyes ran in. She was wearing a loose white shirt, a denim skirt, and flip flops.

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" she asked, and I shook my head. She smiled. "I'm Bella, are you my roommate?"

"Yeah, I'm Vivian, and this is my boyfriend, Ryan. He's helping me move in," I introduced us, and she smiled and waved.

"So you're British?" she asked, leaning in the doorway of our bedroom.

"Yep, glad you didn't ask if I'm Australian," I laughed and she laughed with me.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. My mum's Australian and I can distinguish the accents well," she nodded and I smiled. I like this girl already. "Well, I just came by to grab my purse, I'm going out for some pizza. You can join me if you like."

"Oh, thank you, but we actually just got lunch," Ryan smiled even though he was denying her offer. She seemed completely unoffended and nodded with a smile.

"Alright, well I'll see you around, Vivian. We can get to know each other soon, kay?" she smiled and didn't wait for a response before leaving and shutting the door to our space behind her. There was a bathroom to ourselves, a kitchen, and a small living area. It was huge for a college dorm room, but I liked it the way it was. The bedroom was separate from everything else.

"She's pretty friendly", I smiled and suddenly the room went dark. I turned to see Ryan had shut the blinds to the room.

"She's going to be here tonight, so I have to say my goodbyes now," Ryan stated seductively with a smirk. He walked over to me and we just stood there for a second, very close but not touching. Finally our lips met softly and we kissed gently. Our kisses got longer, closer, rougher, and more intimate.


We kissed like that for a while before I lowered myself and began pulling his pants down. I gazed up at him, but Ryan stood me back up.

"No. This is about you. Pleasing you is enough pleasure. It's more than enough. Just let me," he kissed my jawline sweetly and reached for the hem of my shirt then pulled it up and over my head. He lowered himself and grabbed under my thighs which was my cue to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He kissed me and we moved onto my bed which had fresh sheets. Ryan hungrily gazed at my chest. "I can't decide whether to leave this bra on you or take it off."

I mentally thanked myself for putting on my sexy red lacy one this morning. Maybe my subconscious was aware that this was going to happen. Before I could respond, he reached behind me and unclapsed my bra slowly and oh-so-deliberately. He sighed as he threw it aside and proceeded to kiss my freshly-bare chest. He lingered, and I knew that one of his favorite features of my body was my chest. He leaned up to my ear and whispered.

"Your breasts are heavenly."

I giggled to myself at his choice of words and he began to pull my shorts off, pulling my panties with them. He kissed my extremely prominent hip bones and then the insides of my thighs before slipping his finger into me. I let out a gasp, as I always do, as he moved his finger slowly in and out. It was a beautiful feeling and I felt him slip yet another finger into me. It felt even better.

"God, you're so tight," Ryan groaned, enjoying the fact that I was enjoying it. He kept up his work and I moved with him, letting out little moans here and there. "Wait, I'm going to try something."

He lowered his face and began moving his tongue in a circle just above where his fingers were pumping in and out and I let out a loud whimper. He reached up and grabbed my chest with his other hand and I let my fingers run themselves in his hair. It wasn't too long before I started to feel myself reaching my high. I let out loud moans as Ryan moved his fingers faster and my whole body felt good for a short period of time before it was over. Ryan kissed my stomach and helped me put my panties and shorts back on as I lay in shock.

(it's over, kids)

"You're so good to me," I sighed as Ryan got down to the floor and picked up my shirt and bra and then helped me get them on.

"Is there another way I'm supposed to be with you?" he asked, and I smiled at his beautiful expression. A mix of happiness and serenity filled his features and I sighed again.

"You're so beautiful," I stated softly, and he turned to me, looking very surprised at what I said.

"Have I turned into a mirror?" he asked, making a funny face.

"You are. Do you think you're not?" I asked him, sitting up the be level with him.

"Of course not. I have weird hair and glasses and a big nose and I'm super skinny. And look at you! You're body shape is beautiful. You're skinny but not in the gross way. You're still curvy and your face is breathtaking WITHOUT makeup and you're eyes are so warm I feel like I could melt into them. And your hair is so soft and it's not long like I know you wish it was but you still look beautiful with it like that. Now who do you think is the beautiful one?' he ranted, looking almost upset.

"We are perfect for each other. We fit," I whispered, and Ryan looked at me, speechless. "You know when we sleep together, do you know what I always think? We fit. Or when we're taking a walk and our fingers are wrapped in each other and strangely enough my hand just fits perfectly with yours. Or when we kiss and our lips just fit."

"I know, you're right. I'm sorry I got upset over you calling me beautiful. Do you want to go downstairs and say goodbye to your parents?" he changed the subject quickly but I nodded and together we took the elevator back to the first floor where my parents, Ronan, and Liam were waiting.

"You moved in and everything?" my dad asked, and I nodded quickly. I tried to act like Ryan and I weren't just doing naughty things in my new room.

"So this is it?" my mum asked. She pulled me in for a hug and I gratefully hugged her back. I'm going to really miss my parents. I moved over to my dad and hugged him.

"I'm so proud of you. You're going to conquer the world with your music, sweetie," he whispered and a tear escaped my eye. More followed, and I was full-on crying. I moved on to hug Liam, who pulled my hair, making me roll my eyes. Finally, I faced Ronan. We hugged, and he also whispered in my ear.

"I might not care about a lot of shit, but I care about you. Call me anytime you want," Ronan whispered, his voice cracking.

"Conquer Harvard, Ronan," I laughed, crying even more. Surprisingly enough, both Crystal and Ronan were attending the same college to pursue pre-med. Crystal wanted to become a dentist and Ronan wanted to go into medicine. They all left, leaving me with Ryan and our tears.

"Come on, let's go to orientation," Ryan led me with his hand on the small of my back and the thumb on his other hand wiping away tears from my face.


okay i think this was kinda short idek but please enjoy this is all for now i will update soon i hope



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