Chapter 30

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happy saturday, folks :)


Chapter 30

Today's the day! Ronan's first day of public school in four years. As I waited by the front entrance, I checked my phone constantly to see if I had any texts from him. No notifications, no notifications. Then, suddenly, I saw everyone's eyes move towards the door as Ronan walked in, a cut on his lip.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, examining his bloody lip.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Had to teach a kid a lesson this morning," he shook his head, swiping away the blood with his tongue.

"One of the guys you live with?" I asked, and he nodded solemnly. I wonder if maybe he's not ready for people.

"It was purely out of self-defense, don't worry," he smiled, and I sighed. That's good. As long as the angry Ronan doesn't show.

' ' '

To: Ronan

I'm by Courtyard II where the back exit is.

From: Ronan

Which one is Courtyard II??

To: Ronan

The one near the Performing Arts Center.

From: Ronan

Okay, I'm at the Performing Arts Center, where do I go from here?

To: Ronan

Walk down that lower hallway and up the stairs, then take a right. I'll be standing right there.

I patiently waited for Ronan to show up, but he didn't.

To: Ronan

Did you get lost or something??

From: Ronan

Asked for directions, bringing the friend I made with me :)

I smiled. Ronan made a friend! Soon enough, I saw him walk over with the blonde guy I met on my first day. Shaun, right?

"Vivian, this is Shaun," Ronan smiled, and I waved at Shaun.

"Hey, I remember you," Shaun's eyes shined, and for a brief second I saw Luke.

"I remember you, too," I tried being as friendly as I could. Shaun doesn't seem like a bad guy, even though I know otherwise.

"Hey, Ronan," a very pretty girl waved to Ronan as she passed by, significantly swaying her hips a little more as she walked.

"Hi," he waved, clueless.

"Dude, you are so lucky," Shaun chuckled.

"How?" Ronan asked, tilting his head at Shaun's comment.

"You could have any girl in the school you wanted," Shaun informed him.

"I don't want anyone," Ronan muttered, looking at the floor.

"You could get laid every day!" Shaun laughed, patting Ronan on the back. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, so I told them I had to go and I left them to their business.

' ' 1 YEAR LATER ' '

(A/N: i know this is a big time skip, i'm sorry)







"Ronan, it is two in the morning. This really wasn't the time to call me."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just...I need a ride from somewhere and I didn't know who else to call."

"Alright, where are you?"

"I'll walk to Lloyd High, just pick me up there."

"I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Thank you."

I hung up the phone, and got up out of bed. I put a sweater on over my short-sleeve shirt. I put on some slippers, too, and grabbed a piece of mint gum and my car keys. I opened up the window, and for a second, I thought I just wouldn't go. I eventually got myself to crawl out and exit the fence surrounding my house. I ran up the street to where my silver car was parked and I started it. I turned up the heat and waited until I could feel my hands again, then I pulled out of the spot it was parked in.

As I drove down the empty roads, I began to ponder why Ronan would need a ride. He hasn't really talked to me much ever since he became close friends with Shaun. Parties every weekend, hangovers every Monday. It didn't take long before I finally reached the school. I pulled up and saw Ronan. I could tell he was on something other than alcohol.

"Thanks for the ride, Vivian," he smiled, his red eyes aimlessly staring at me.

"No problem," I replied, my voice low. I drove away in silence and it took me about 30 minutes to get from the high school to the boy's home.

"I don't live here anymore," he told me as I waited for him to get out of the car.

"Where do you live, then?" I sighed, and he directed me for fifteen minutes until we reached a house in a small neighborhood.

"I live here with Shaun and his family," he explained, and my heart sank.

"Why didn't Shaun drive you home, then?" I asked him, and he scratched his head.

"He was going to this girl's house for the night and he didn't tell me. That's why I called you," Ronan lay his head back in his seat. "But his parents are on the brink of kicking me out."

"Then stay with someone else," I shrugged, but Ronan shook his head. "No one would take me in."

I thought for a second. "No, no, no, Vivian! You are NOT doing that!" my subconscious screamed at me. I'm going to regret this, I already know it.


oh boy, update coming soon later today :)



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