Chapter 3

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hey guys i think this is the last i'll update today 'cause i'm tired and i wanna go to bed even though it's only like 8:00 but yeah it's been a long day for me i've been taking a bunch of exams and stuff so ughh but yeah enjoy


Chapter 3

(Vivian's POV)

"Okay, it's alright with me," I sang to myself as I walked around town with Caroline, Natalie, and Eleanor.

"Did you hear about the Russians? I heard they're going to bomb London first," one of the storekeepers was gossiping with somebody buying something. London? That's about a half an hour away at the least. If the Russians were to bomb us, we would be in serious danger.

"Good morning, sir!" I greeted him, walking into his store that extended into a restaraunt.

"Good morning, ladies. What can I do for you?" he asked, smiling down at us. He was tall and thin.

"We were wondering if you needed a band for your restaraunt," I explained, smiling my most mature smile.

"I'm sorry, I will not hire fourteen year old girls to play in my restaraunt. It's just unprofessional," he said, trying his best to be nice. It didn't come out so.

"If you could just hear us--" I began, trying to help our point.

"I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen," he began walking away from us to go focus on something he had to fix. I went to my last resort.

"Something's gotta give now, 'cause I'm dying just to make you see that I need you here with me now, 'cause you've got that one thing," I began singing. Suddenly, he stopped in the middle of his tracks, and turned around to face me with such shock on his face. "So get out, get out, get out of my head, and fall into my arms instead. I don't, I don't, don't know what it is, but I need that one thing, and you've got that one thing."

"How are you with hours?" he asked, moving towards us.

"Well, it's summer and we're out of school. Plus, we're fourteen and we don't have any other job. We can be here when you want us to," I replied quickly.

"How about songs? All appropriate music. Music that people want to listen to," he asked quickly.

"We'll sing all the old hits," Caroline replied this time.

"Can you provide your own instruments?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"All except a bass," Eleanor mumbled. She's kind of quiet usually. I'm pretty suprised she even spoke up.

"I can provide that. What about amps?" he asked.

"Uhh," I replied, speechless.

"That was a trick question. I'll provide those. You guys now have a job. You'll play everyday from 17:00 to 19:00. Are we clear? You'll get paid ten pounds a week. I would pay you more, but there isn't much I can do in this economy," he shrugged, then shooed us out of his store.

"Starting today?" I called back.

"Yes," he replied, and shut the door. We all celebrated as we walked home.


We gathered everything into my dad's truck, and we drove to the restaraunt.

"I'm so proud of you girls for getting a job!" my dad was smiling with such pride. It felt good to make him proud.

"Are you going to stay to see us play?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course!" he replied, parking. We got everything set up inside to notice that there was a full house.

"Uh, we're Viva, and this is All The Small Things," I spoke softly into the microphone. Everyone was still eating and drinking beer, but turned to watch us. I took a deep breath before counting us off. "1, 2, 3, 4."

The music began, my hand flying across the guitar strings. I was playing as fast as I could.

"All the small things. Truth care, truth brings. I'll take one lift. Your ride, best trip. Always, I know you'll be at my show. Watching, waiting, commiserating. Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home," I sang. Everybody began clapping with the music. It was the best feeling in the world.


aw lol i hope this really happens to briana that would be great lol i wish it could happen for me, too but haha i can't sing i'm like tone deaf or something



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