Chapter 39

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hello friends! go look at my friend ThePenguin_13's wattpad and if you like Katy Perry, go check out her fanfic! ok read on


Chapter 39

At seven in the morning, Tony reached my house. It was obvious how little of a morning person he was.

"Good morning!" I hugged him, smiling. I was beyond excited to reach the theme park. He grunted in response and sat down on the couch only to fall asleep a few minutes later. We waited for about ten minutes, then my phone vibrated.

From: Ryan

We're pulling up. You guys ready?

To: Ryan

Sure. Let me just wake Tony up, he's asleep on my couch.

After getting Tony to finally stand up and walk with Ronan and I outside, we hopped into the car and were on our way to Hersheypark. Ryan's parents sat in the front seat, Ryan, Tony, and I sat in the middle, and Ronan and Michaela sat in the very back.

"How are you, Vivian?" Ryan's dad asked me as he drove out of my neighborhood and onto a main road.

"I'm great, just really tired. It's been a while," I spoke, clearing my throat afterwards. The situation was a bit awkward. The last time he saw me was before I lost all my hair and started treatments for CJD. So far, I've felt no difference. But I guess there was nothing to base a difference off of, thisis just a preventative treatment for the future when I end up literally losing my mind.

"Have you met Kaila yet?" Michaela asked me excitedly. Curious, I turned around to talk to her. I was cut off.

"Michaela!" Ryan yelled through gritted teeth, but Michaela didn't seem to care at all.

"She's Ryan's new girlfriend. She lives with her grandparents in California, near where we'll be moving! She's so nice!" she smiled, and I felt my heart sink. Ryan already has a girlfriend? How did he meet her? Why didn't he tell me?

"Oh wow," was all I could mutter. I smiled at Ryan, who seemed sorry Michaela said anything. He really should be. What a jerk. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

From: Michaela

What I said is true, she's a nice girl. I don't think her and Ryan are dating...yet. But they will. I just needed to call him out on his dick move.

To: Michaela

It's perfectly fine. Besides, Tony and I are dating now..kind of.

From: Michaela

He's cute. You did good! Ryan is a dingus.

To: Michaela

Tell me about it..

I laughed to myself and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

"How long is the car ride there?" Tony asked, groaning. He leaned up against me, since I sat in between him and Ryan. We turned on to 270 once he said that.

"Two hours. So get comfortable," Ryan told him. He chuckled to himself. I suddenly felt another vibration in my pocket. Assuming it was Michaela, I pulled out my phone and read my new text message. It wasn't who I had expected.

From: Ryan

Your new boyfriend is pussying out or what?

Shocked at what I read, I deleted the message and placed my phone back in my pocket. I felt another vibration. I didn't bother looking. Then another. And another. I pulled out my phone again.

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