Chapter 38

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hey everyone :)


Chapter 38

"Will you go on a date with me?" Tony asked me, looking hopefully into my eyes. Here we were, in the basement of my house, choreographing together. Uh oh. Here it comes. "You like me, right?"

"Yes, I do like you," I smiled, feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach. It's a small crush, no big deal, really.

"So then go on a date with me. It's okay if it's not right now, because the timing sucks. I know you said you like that other guy, but I can wait," Tony begged, grabbing the small of my back and pulling me closer. Not close enough to be inappropriate or uncomfortable. It was nice.

"The timing is pretty bad, but it won't take long. Him and I don't speak anymore," I sighed. It was true. Ryan and I stopped speaking to each other for the past month. School's back in next week, too. I'm sure I'll get over him easily. There's a guy here waiting for me to jump into his arms, and I'm almost ready.

"I want to say great, but I know that must be kind of hard for you," Tony chuckled, touching his nose to my forehead. I breathed in the smell of his cologne. I liked the smell better than Ryan's.

"Not really. I don't care if he doesn't," I shrugged, and Tony kissed the tip of my nose softly. I moved closer to him, pressing my face into his chest. He held on to me so tightly, that I felt safe.

' ' '

From: Ryan

Hey, how's it going?

To: Ryan

Okay. I'm joining a Latin dance team.

From: Ryan

Just okay?

To: Ryan

Well, better than okay. I'm just doing something at the moment.

From: Ryan

Oh. Do you want me to leave you alone?

To: Ryan

Nah, it's okay. I'm just hanging out with a friend. he was an intern at the hospital.

From: Ryan

Oh, nice. Is he cool?

To: Ryan

Yeah, I think you'd like him. You and Michaela need to cmoe over sometime soon.

From: Ryan

Well, you need to come with me to California for like a week one summer to see my house and everything. I think you'd like it. There's a pool and a freaking home theater.

To: Ryan

That's not fair, oh my God.

From: Ryan

It's crazy.

To: Ryan

Anyways, you need to seriously consider coming over sometime. This weekend, maybe?

From: Ryan

Sure, we'll try.

From: Ryan:


To: Ryan

Hershey? Like the chocolate?

From: Ryan

LIKE THE THEME PARK. Ok so the place where they make chocolate for Hershey is just one state over and it has rollercoasters and like a tour of the chocolate factory and everything. You need to go, it's important.

To: Ryan

What, it's like Willy Wonka?

From: Ryan

Not really, but still. See how much the tickets are. Michaela and I can pay for our own but I can provide transportation. Bring Tony if you must.

To: Ryan

Okay :) Can I bring Ronan?

From: Ryan


To: Ryan

Awesome :) let me see what the prices are.

I got off my phone and onto my computer. I typed "hershey park" into Google to see what came up. I clicked on the website and was taken to the theme park's web page. It did look like fun. $60 wasn't bad at all for a ticket to a theme park.

"Dad!" I called, running to his room to ask for permission. "Can I go to Hersheypark with Ryan, Michaela, Tony, and Ronan?"

"Are you paying for your own ticket?" he asked, still focused on whatever he was doing on the computer. It seemed as though he was aware that the park existed even though I didn't.

"Yeah, and Ryan is going to drive us," I explained. My dad turned to look at me for a brief moment before answering.

"Sure, but I'll need time and date details ASAP," he pointed to me with a stern finger. I nodded and ran back downstairs, as giddy as ever.

To: Ryan


"Ronan!" I called in a sing-songy voice. He poked his head out from the kitchen, a piece of turkey in his mouth.

"Yes?" he asked, removing the turkey from his mouth to speak.

"Do you have $60 to spare for an amazing day trip to Hersheypark?" I asked, and his eyes widened.

"Hell yes," he whispered, "I haven't been to Hershey since I was a kid!"

"Great! Let me just text Tony and let him know," I smiled, skipping off to my room to text Tony. If he says yes, this will be the best trip ever.


sorry that it's short, i'll update again soon :)

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