Chapter 4

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hey ya'll last update of the day but tomorrow's friday so i'll totally try updating tomorrow because it's gonna thunderstorm and such but i don't go outside anyways so yah


Chapter 4

(Vivian's POV)

I walked around college, taking everything in. They just re-did the entire school, and it looks beautiful. I'm year 9 already! How exciting! I checked my schedule to see that I needed to go to my homeroom first, which was supposed to be just down the science wing. Entering the room, I got exasperated stares from the majority of the students. I sat down, but tried not to question it.

"Hey, aren't you from Viva?" a guy walked up to me, and sat down in front of me.

"How did you know?" I asked, giggling. He's cute.

"Answering my question with a question, nice. I saw you every day out of the entire summer playing at my dad's restaraunt," he explained, "I'm Luke."

"Vivian," I replied, smiling.

"I see the resemblance between your name and the band name. You have a beautiful voice, by the way," Luke complimented me, and I saw a blush creep onto his cheeks.

"Thank you," I smirked as he turned back around. The teacher came into the room, and my year began.


It's my seventh block, and only the first day of school...but I want to gouge out my eyeballs. Personally, I hate school. I don't have to try to get good grades, and it's all stupid stuff I'm sure I won't need in life. How many times am I going to have to know the height of a ladder if I know the height of the building and the distance on the ground?

From: LiLi

Look outside.

I turned to the window to see my older brother holding up a McDonald's bag and cell phone in hand. I didn't know he was in town! The bell finally rang after a few minutes, and I rushed outside to greet my brother.

"Liam!" I yelled, running into his arms.

"How are you, Viv?" he asked, giving me a big hug that only my older brother could give.

"Great, you?" I asked, smiling.

"Pretty good. I'll only be here for a few days for a book talk, but then I have to go back home to Darcy and the kids," he shrugged. Suddenly, the happiness was gone.

"Only a few days? But the last time you visited--" I was cut off by Liam.

"I know, the last time I visited was last year. Let's just make the most of it now, okay?" he asked, leading me into his car, "I got you some McDonald's. You hungry?"

"Starved," I replied, reaching into the bag. I pulled out the fries, and began eating them. "Thank Lord Jesus that McDonald's exists."

"You are too much," Liam sighed, shaking his head.

"You know the last time I had McDonald's was when you came here," I sighed, leaning back. I was enjoying the fries.

"Mom's really done it this time with being healthy, huh?" Liam asked, beginning to drive me home.

"Fruit and vegetable smoothies, no fast food, and she keeps trying to sign me up for the track team at school. she should know that this body doesn't exercise," I laughed, explaining our current situation at home.

"Really? You have it tough from when I was your age," Liam laughed.

"That was only seven years ago, Li. Don't think you're that old," I tried acting serious, but ended up laughing anyways.

"So how's the band going?" he changed the subject, pulling into the driveway.

"Well, we've actually been doing well. We spent the entire summer playing for a restaraunt downtown," I explained, and Liam applauded.

"Nice. Any boyfriends I need to be worried about?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Psh, me? Having a boyfriend? Like that's ever going to happen," I rolled me eyes, but he just shook his head. We went inside, and he caught up with my parents as I went upstairs to Skype with Caroline.


"Hey, Curr-line."

"Ew, don't call me that!"

"Why not? It's purr-ty."

"You are too much, Viv. Anyways, why weren't you on the bus?"

"My brother drove me home!"

"Oh, he's in town? Best not let Eleanor know."

Eleanor has an unhealthy crush on Liam. It's weird, really.

"I'll be sure not to. Hey, do you know who Luke is?"

"Blonde hair, blue eyes?"


"Oh my God. Did you talk to him?"


"Oh my God! What did he say?"

"He said that his dad owns the restaraunt we played at, and that he likes my voice."



"Luke is only the hottest guy in year nine!"

"Well, yeah he was attractive, but--"

"Stop trying to play it cool, you know that you thought he was cute."

"Okay, fine. Yes, I admit he was cute. It's just that--"


"Something seems off to me about him."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Well, anyways. I better go before Liam gets angry at me."

"Why would he?"

"He's only going to be here for a few days, so I need to soak up this time while I can."

"Good plan. Walk with me tomorrow?"

"Sure thing. See ya."


picture of luke (aka hunter hayes) on the side :) who ships livian?



Viva! - Sequel to More Than EnoughHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin