Chapter 20

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it'll be vivian's pov from this point on :)


Chapter 20

I skimmed through one of my mum's favorite books. She bought it for me today in the hospital gift shop. It's kind of boring so far, but I'm going to finish it, anyways. I have nothing else to do. Especially since I've been in the hospital, healing, for weeks now. I heard a knock on the door. Surely it's the nurse to tell me something.

"Come in!" I called, my voice sounding slightly hoarse from not talking all day. Ronan walked in, looking much more fashionable than before. He was wearing a black crew neck, brown leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and worn-out light brown shoes.

"Hey, Vivian, just wanted to come check on you," he smiled softly, looking just as awkward as before.

"I don't know you," I rolled my eyes, trying to get back to reading through this very boring page.

"I'm a patient here, too, just like you," he stated, pulling up a chair. My head shot towards his direction. Someone like me?

"Why aren't you wearing a hospital gown?" I asked, feeling curious.

"Because I'm not sick in the body, I'm sick in the head," he stated as if it's no big deal.

"What are you, schizophrenic or something?" I asked, and he laughed weakly.

"Good one, but no. I'm just depressed," he said, and I started to see him in a more serious light.

"So then you know I wasn't really just trying to get some fresh air that night?" I asked, pursing my lips tightly as if I had just eaten something sour. I had. It was life.

"Of course I knew what you were doing. I only lied to save your ass so that you don't end up like me," he lifted an eyebrow.

"How old are you, anyway?" I asked, curious.

"Seventeen, how old are you?" he lay back in his seat.

"Fifteen. Barely," I rolled my eyes lightly, and he chuckled softly.

"It's nice to meet someone else here. I have sort of a bad rep here amongst the other patients. You have a pretty cool accent," he jumbled his thoughts together, and I tried to process it all. I'm not at full brain functioning yet.

"Yeah, I'm from England," I told him, and his eyes widened.

"Impressive," he stated. Right then, my parents came in.

"Hello, who are you?" my father asked, a smile on his face. I think he's happy that I'm making friends.

"Oh, I'm Ronan," Ronan stood up and introduced himself, shaking my father's and mother's hands.

"Well, we're Vivian's parents. It's nice to meet you," my mum told him, giving me a wink when he turned away from her. I rolled my eyes. Oh, mother.

"Well, I better get going. It was nice to meet you. See you, Vivian," he smiled awkwardly again before leaving.

"Where'd you meet him?" my dad asked, getting curious.

"The hallway just a few weeks ago," I lied, trying not to admit to the fiasco of him pulling me from the window. "So what's up?"

"The doctor has cleared you for going home!" my mum celebrated by giving me a hug.

"Have you guys bought a house already?" I asked, and they nodded. I smiled. I finally get to leave this hell hole!

"So tonight we're all going out to dinner to celebrate!" my dad cheered, which is the happiest I've seen him since waking up.

"Can Liam and Darcy come, too?" I asked, crossing my fingers.

"Sure! They're still in town for a few more weeks," my mum told me, and I smiled. "Darcy has some clothes for you, so I'll ask her to bring a few things just so you can get home."

My parents left the room to make the call to Darcy, and my smile turned into a frown. I have to go into public without hair! I'm going to look like some kind of creepy girl with a huge scar in my head and no hair to cover it up! Sooner than I anticipated, Darcy was in the room with a huge bag. I guess it's time to just accept it.




Viva! - Sequel to More Than EnoughNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ