Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I think I like him. Ronan. He gives me butterflies when I think about him. It feels wrong to me, though. I still think about Luke constantly. I think I just might have a little crush on him. He is attractive, after all.






"What's going on?"

"I have no idea what to wear to Nerd's party!"

Nerd...Ryan...his party's tonight!

"I'm coming over."

I sprinted over to Crystal's house as fast as I could. I ran into her room and then saw clothes strewn everywhere. It took us a half an hour to find an outfit for her. We stuck with burgundy high-waisted jeans with a white shirt tucked in and a blue sweater over that. She wore white Converse on her feet.

"Do your make-up, and then when you're done, come to my house," I told her, and she nodded. I ran back to my house and quickly threw together an outfit. I wore a navy tank top tucked into a pink skirt and a grey cardigan over it. I put black leggings underneath the skirt to be more comfortable with the weather. I slipped on my new blue Vans, too. It wasn't such a bad outfit. I threw on my make-up and a pink beanie. Soon after I finished, Crystal showed up.

We walked with Cal to the party. Once inside, I was extremely impressed. There was a DJ mixing turntables for the blasting music. I recognized Silhouettes by Avicii as the song that was currently playing. There were more people than I had anticipated at this party. I saw Ryan talking to a short, very attractive blonde girl who was holding a red plastic cup in her hand. Everyone had one, actually. Cal and Crystal went to go get drinks so I walked over to Ryan.

"Hey, Ryan!" I yelled over the music. He turned to me, and his eyes widened.

"You look beautiful!" he yelled back, smiling with a wink. I blushed slightly, but my smile fell when I saw the girl he was talking to. She had a low, white tank top on tucked into a very short leopard print skirt. She had a leather jacket over her shoulders and she was wearing black heels. Definitely sexier than my outfit. She walked away from us and I suddenly felt slightly embarrassed. "Are you having fun?"

"Not really! I don't know anyone here!" I shrugged at Ryan, and he smirked.

"Go dance!" he commanded, pushing me into the crowd of moving bodies. I stood still, unsure of what to do. Gradually, I began to move with the music along with everyone else. I felt free and alive. I felt a hand on my hip, and I spun around to see a stranger with bright blue eyes looking at me. He pulled my body extremely close to his, and I felt my heart begin to race. Something about this doesn't feel right. He slowly moved his hand down my body to my butt, and I jumped back. He gave me a curious look, but his eyes were filled with this fire I had never seen in anyone. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd and up the stairs. Where is this guy taking me?

I should've had better judgement, but it was only when he led me into a room that I realized what he was trying to do. He pushed me down on the bed and I screamed. He clamped a hand over my mouth and began to kiss down my neck. I kicked him away, and tried to run past him and out of the room, but he grabbed me back.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, trying to twist my body out of his grip.

"Just go with it, baby," he whispered seductively in my ear. He grabbed my hand and placed it over his crotch. I felt sick.

"Help me! Somebody please!" I screamed, trying to regain control over my body at the same time. He began taking my clothes off, and I let a tear escape out of the corner of my eye. Is this how I'm going to lose my innocence? To some stranger? He pushed me down on my knees and he began unzipping his pants. I felt disgusted, but before anything could happen, the door swung open and Ryan ran in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he yelled, pushing the guy against the wall.

"Relax, man, just trying to have fun with the lady," the guy slurred. Ryan punched him accross the face and threw him out of the room. He locked the door, and turned back to see me. There I sat, in only my bra and panties. He pulled me to my feet and made sure I was alright.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, and I shook my head. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I began to cry. Ryan held me in his arms, just like Luke used to. "You're okay, it's over. It's all over. You're going to be just fine."

He sat me down on the bed and got my clothes for me, which were thrown all over. He handed them to me, and let me put them on.

"I want to go home," I whispered finally. Ryan gave me a reassuring smile.

"Stay in here until the party's over. I want to make sure you get home safely and I'm not sure leaving my house with strangers in it is the smartest idea either. Will you be okay in here by yourself?" Ryan placed his hands on my shoulders. I shook my head.

"I'm scared, Ryan," I cried, feeling like a baby.

"That's okay. It's okay to be scared. Do you want to call the police? He tried to rape you, Vivian," Ryan looked right into my eyes, trying to reassure me.

"No, that's okay. Besides, you'd get in a lot of trouble for having booze at this party," I sighed, and Ryan nodded.

"I'll be right back. Don't worry, and don't open the door for anyone except for me," Ryan gave me one last hug before leaving the room. I locked the door after him. I sat on the bed, and reflected on the events that had just came to be. I don't suppose I'll ever be the same.


update to come very soon :)



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