Chapter 14

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hey guys sorry i haven't updated in a while. this one is going to be good, okay? lol


Chapter 14

(Vivian's POV)

I woke up with a pain in the back of my neck. I looked up and saw my room. My posters were on my walls just as I had left them. My bedside lamp was there. My keyboard was there. My calendar was there. My whiteboard was there. My clothes were in my closet as if no one had touched them. As I sat up, I saw my familiar patterned tan blanket.

"Vivian, come down for breakfast!" my mum called. It can't be. I got up, and practically ran down the stairs. At the kitchen table sat my dad and my mum was making pancakes over the stove. "Took you long enough!"

"Mum, what's happened?" I asked, feeling a little lightheaded. How am I home?

"What do you mean, dear?" my dad asked, getting up to give me a kiss on my head.

"Why aren't we in the bunkers? Did they let us out while I was asleep?" I asked, and both of my parents looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Bunkers? My God! What are you talking about?" my mum asked, sitting me down and handing me a plate of pancakes.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, and my mum looked at me strangely.

"Who is Luke?" she asked.

"Come on, Mum," I sighed.

"What is going on?" my dad asked, looking concerned.

"How do you not remember anything about the bombs?" I asked, and got even more weird looks.

"Bombs!? Sounds like your dream was terrible," a male voice from behind me laughed. I turned around to see Liam coming in through the front door.

"Liam!" I yelled, running to him. I gave him a big hug. I then realized something. This can't be real.


I woke up next to Luke. This time, it was reality. I was breathing heavily. I miss my family too much. My brother is probably worried sick about us. I just hope my parents are as safe as I am.

"You okay, Viv?" Luke asked me, waking up.

"Yeah, sorry. It was just a dream," I sighed, relaxing a little more into Luke's arms.

"It was only just a dream," Luke sang softly.

"I was just about to do that," I laughed, and he kissed my nose softly.

"You are too cute, Viv," he chuckled.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Do you want to talk about your dream?" he asked me, and I sighed.

"I was home. My parents and my brother were there. There was no war, and we were all together. But they thought I was crazy when I mentioned the bombs. They didn't even remember you!" I explained. Luke nodded.

"My guess is that, subconciously, that's what you want," he told me.

"But I would never want--" I began, but Luke cut me off.

"For me not to exist? I know, Viv. But you'd want the rest of that, wouldn't you?" he asked, and I nodded. "Go back to sleep. I'm sure you'll feel better when we wake up again."

"You're probably right. Goodnight, Luke," I kissed him goodnight.


cute chapter okay that was beautiful omg i'm facetiming briana and there's a huge storm where she is omg i'm crying please be safe to everyone who lives in maryland



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