Viva! - Sequel to More Than Enough

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so here's the triquel (idk what to call it) to stuck in time! gosh i didn't think i would go past one book, let alone three!


Chapter 1

(Vivian's POV)

All my life, I've been told the different stories of my mother, father, uncles and aunts. I've even been told bits and pieces about Darcy and Liam. Our crazy family is just full of surprises, and different crazy stories. I don't even know what to think of them anymore. Well, now I get my own story. It's about time! Not to brag, but how many fourteen-year-olds do you know that have the pipes of Mariah Carey? Not very many, I'm guessing.

I've been marked my whole life by different things 'Niall Horan's daughter' or 'Jazz Hemmingsworth's daughter' or 'the girl who caught her hair on fire in science class'. I don't stand out, really. Nobody knows what I do, or why I do it. I'm I don't have much of a role here on Planet Earth. But that's all going to change. You want to know how? My band.

At first, it was hard to get organized. I sing and play guitar, obviously. We're all girls now. But that can change. After all, we are just starting out. It's been two years of us just showing each other what we can do. Now, we're getting serious. We're really starting to write songs, and trying to find gigs. Unfortunately, the restaraunts around here don't really want fourteen-year-old girls playing songs to other peoples' disgust.

Well, we aren't that bad. We're actually pretty good. Natalie is on the keys, Eleanor plays the bass (no not Aunt Eleanor), and Caroline plays the drums. We've gotten pretty far right now. We finally decided on a name. We've been going back and forth between a few for the past few months, debating on whether or not to keep our old on. We ended up keeping it. Viva.

Anyways, I don't want to bore you with endless details on how badly we want to get this all to work, but this whole stuff is just the beginning. I have a feeling that life is going to change. Big time.


so how is it? picture of how Vivian is meant to look on the side. so awk moment when i have this internet buddy i think i've mentioned her before her name is Briana and yeah I'm kind of basing Vivian off of Briana. i know Briana sings so the part just kind anyways, i've never heard her so i don't know if she really has 'pipes like mariah carey' but anyways! go follow her on twitter @PsItsBriana1 or on instagram @psitsbriana or go subscribe to her youtube PsItsBriana haha yeah okay so uh bye



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