Chapter 18- "I dont think anyone can hate you"

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"I don't think anyone can hate you"

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"I don't think anyone can hate you"

Trying my best

By; anson seabra


Izzy had the boys drop her off at Kiaras for a surfing day they had planned. Later the boys joined them and they surged all afternoon. That night they fell asleep on the hammock once again.

The royal merchant was a well known thing around outer banks. Every kid grew up hearing the story's and theory's of it. So when Izzy saw the wrecked ship with her own eyes in the camera of the drone she was in shock. It couldn't be real. It was way to good to be true.

And it was. After three goes there still was no gold. The entire group felt deflated. They felt empty. The group all parted ways. Due to Izzys sadness of the days failure she failed to notice her moms car in the driveway and lack of her brothers car.

She walks into the front door setting her keys on the little table by the front door. She continues into the kitchen hoping a cherry popsicle would cheer her up after the bad day she had. When she entered the room she was met with her moms towering figure. Anger prominent on her face.

"H-hey mom" she says lightly. Her voice small which it rarely is unless it comes to her mom.

"I heard you've been hanging around with that street trash again" she says referring to the pogues. Izzy can stand her moms hate comments towards her but when it comes to the pogues she can't help but explode.

"There my friends" Izzy seethes standing on one side of the kitchen island her mom on the other.

"I would hardly call them that, they only hang out with you because they pity you. Poor little Isabel Thornton that lost her dad. Boo-who. Grow up" venom is in her words as she tears her daughter down with her words. Sometimes Izzy preferred to be hit than her mom talking to her.

Her cuts and bruises are superficial wounds. But Samantha Thornton's words stick with her. They're what make her hate herself. Somehow her mom knows every single one of the blonde girls insecurities and brings everyone to surface.

"Sometimes I would rather be in your dads place. It's better than dealing with the shame of having you as a daughter." Samantha deadpans as if she thought this for years. Izzys blood boils.

"Don't talk about him" Izzy glares at her mom no longer feeling scared but angry.

"I can talk about him all I want seeing as he was my husband. God your such a disappointment" Samantha continues.

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