Chapter 14- "aye aye captian grumpy pants"

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"Aye aye captain grumpy pants"

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"Aye aye captain grumpy pants"


By; Eden


The group of five headed down a road that no one besides John b knew where it lead to. Kiara sat next to the boy in the front while the other three lounged in the back. Izzy has her head in popes lap throwing up the little rubber ball that pope previously took. She stole it back and was now just using it to annoy him.

"I mean is obvious right ? A family heirloom what better place to hide a message!" John b said his voice full of hope.

"Yeah it's possible" Kiara smiled softly. The three in the back cringed. They all loved big John and wanted more than anything for him to be alive but John b had hope that he's alive that probably wasn't true.

"My dads trying to give me a message" John b insisted seeing the other pogues doubt.

"It's also possible your concocting wild theory's to , deal with your sad feels" Pope explained. Izzy sat up from his lap stopped throwing the ball and look to John b.

"You know how I deal with my sad feel, dank nuts and the stickiest of Ickes" JJ jokes and Izzy snorts at his comment. He goes and pulls a piece of her hair and she slaps his hand away.

"Yeah when I'm sad I watch Netflix and eat a whole pint of ice cream" Izzy smiles. "Actually I do that all the time but Especially when I'm sad" she adds.

"I'm not concocting my dads trying to give me a message" John b gets slightly aggravated at the 4 not believing him.

"If it helps you believe John b" Kiara says softly.

"Look, I don't need a therapy session okay? I'm not tripping out" he tries to convince the group looking back at all of them but none of them believe.

"It's okay to trip bro, but-" pope starts to say but is interrupted by John b.

"Look my dad is missing okay? You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish. Having to wake up everyday not knowing what happened to them" he pauses and looks to Izzy. "The only person who kinda understands what I'm going through is Izzy" Izzy perks up at her name focusing in on his gaze that she meets through the rear view mirror. "And at least you know what happened to your dad" when the words leave his mouth izzys stomach drops.

"Dude" JJ exclaims. Pope smacks him in the back of the head. Izzy just looks to the ground not looking at any of them. Guilt washes over John b as he sees how his words affected her.

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora