Chapter 4- classic Izzy

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Classic Izzy

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Classic Izzy



Izzy woke up to the sun shining in
her eyes. She groaned slightly rolling over and hitting something. Someone. Her eyes shot open to see the guy from last night( who's name she already forgot) laying next to her. She mentally slapped herself before sitting up.

A pounding erupt through her head as the hangover kicked in. She rubbed her eyes and looked down at the boy who's eyes were still closed. Izzy rolled over him picking up one of John b's t shirts from the ground and throwing it on. She heard voice from the living room. She opens the door and walks down the hall. Her bare feet hit the bare floor as she reaches the living room.

Kiara lays on the pullout, John b stands by the wall next to a picture of his dad. Pope sits in one of the chairs with his arms on the armrest. They all look to Izzy as she enters the room. Izzy walks over to the couch and plops down next to Kie burying her head in the pillow.

"Morning sunshine" John b asks with a chuckle.

"Morning asshole" her words were mumbled due to the pillow but still understandable. She rolls over and sits up leaning her back against the back of the pullout.

John b sits next to Pope. They start talking about last night along with their plans for today. A little while later JJ walked out with his arm wrapped around a girl.

"Bye sweetheart" he said with a smile as the girl walked out of the house. She blew him a kiss before giving Kie and Izzy a glare. Kiara and Izzy both waves with a cheeky smile saying bye bye at the same time. Izzy glared at the girl as she left.

"Awe you jealous Thornton?" JJ mocked. Izzy rolled her eyes an scoffed.

"Yeah I'm so sad I didn't get to sleep with the JJ maybanks" the girl mocked putting her hand to her head dramatically acting like a fan girl. Kiara stifled a laugh at JJ's angry expression as he tries to think of a comeback.

"Hey you can you just got to ask nicely" JJ winked. Izzy flipped him off before going back to their conversation. JJ settles on John b's armrest flicking a lighter open and close.

"Izzy?" The boy asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Everyone looks to him. Izzy stands up wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Hey..... you" Izzy says awkwardly not remembering his name. The boy look around the room seeing all eyes on him. He looked away embarrassed. Izzy starting to walk towards the door to get him out.

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt