Chapter 35- P4L

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P 4 L

What a time

Juliu Micheals

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Isabelle Thornton is no stranger to loss. She saw her dad die right in front of her and at the same time she lost her mom. Not physically but the mom she knew as a child. You think she would've been used to loss by now, nonetheless the pain she felt from loosing John B and Sarah hurt much more than the bullet that hit her abdomen.

She wishes life would go back to the way it was when school ended. Sure the Pogues had their problems but it was never this complicated. She would gladly take her mother's beatings and never feeling like she belongs than to have her two best friends dead.

Two weeks of her life since that day were spent in the hospital. The doctors were going to release Izzy until they spotted the infection in her wound. She had to have it removed and then stay for recovery.

Izzy didn't fully mind the prolonged stay. The second she would step out of the hospital doors it would all be real. The past few weeks would've really happened and she doesn't know if she could handle it.

Kiara and Pope showed up the second they got out of the police station. The heartbroken look on Kies face and Popes faded smile make her last shred of hope that this was all some sick joke shatter in front of her.

As for JJ. She hasn't seen his face since the fateful night. A few days after she received a letter that left her numb for days. JJ had blamed himself for everything that happened. He couldn't imagine seeing her, kissing her or even just holding her without feeling guilt.

So instead he did the only thing he knew to do. He broke up with her. He couldn't face her, he knew if he did he would back out. Seeing her green eyes and perfectly placed freckles would make him melt. All the walls she had broke down built back up the second he gave the letter to Pope to give to Izzy.

The day had finally come that Izzy could leave the hospital. Rain trickled down the window and she traced it with her fingers trying to distract herself from reality. Her bag was packed on the hospital bed and all she had to do was wait for Topper to pick her up.

Except that wasn't all she had to do. She had to face everything. She had to face her best friends deaths, she had to face that she's now homeless and she had to face JJ.  A knock sounded at the door.

"Ready for the jailbreak?" Topper walks into the room with a wheelchair.

"Not if you expect me to get in that." Izzy scoffs, standing up. Topper sighs and looks at his sister.

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Where stories live. Discover now