Chapter 47- Flying monkey

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F L Y I N G  M O N K E Y

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Can I call you tonight


Izzy woke up with a smile. JJ was wrapped around her like a shield, protecting her. The two hadn't done anything that night besides take (and make out of course). She let out a joyful sigh before snuggling into his arms and dozing back off.

JJ was yanked out of his sleep by the sound of the chickens clucking outside John B's bedroom. He felt a pressure on his chest and spotted Izzy's peacefully sleeping. Her chest slowly rose and fell in a perfect pace. He didn't know how long he laid there, staring at her.

That night they stayed up extremely late. They wanted to talk about their relationship but couldn't bring themselves to. Instead they told each other their favorite memory, played random question games and laughed so hard their ribs hurt. Before they fell asleep they promised they would work everything out the next day.

JJ was ready to jump right into the relationship but understandably Izzy wanted to discuss everything first. He hurt her, even if it was the last thing he wanted to do, and she didn't want it to happen again. JJ played with her hair while she fell asleep that night. Once she was softly snoring, he was able to do the same.

Izzy's eyes fluttered opened and closed a few times. When they opened fully she saw JJ and grinned "you're like a stalker Maybanks."

"A hot stalker?" He mischievously smirked as she rolled over onto her chest so that their faces were closer to each other.

"Eh, a solid 3 out of 10." She giggled. JJ ran his hand up and down her back, his fingers sending tingles down her spine.

"You sure about that?" He quickly flipped them over so that he was on top, using his arms to hover above her. He leaned down, placing a lingering kiss on her lips. "How about now?"

"3.2." She poked his nose, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into her. The door creeks open but the two don't notice.

"Oh god! I need to bleach my eyes!" John b fake screams, covering his face. Izzy makes a point of kissing JJ again before he rolls off of her.

"Shut up you big baby, we're fully clothed." She chucks a pillow at his head. He leans against the doorframe, his arms crossed and a playful look on his face.

"So when did this happen... again?"

"Last night." JJ grabs Izzy's thigh and squeezes it.

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin