Chapter 36- Beyond the grave

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"Holy shit."

Izzy had spoken much louder than anticipated. John B and Sarah were alive? They didn't know what to believe but the picture they were sent gave them all hope. The teacher had stopped right when JJ rushed out of the classroom. Kie jumps up and Pope raises his hand.

"Um- can I be excused to help them in the bathroom?" He stutters, gathering all of his stuff.

"Family emergency!" Kie explains as she rushes out of the room. Pope grabs Izzy's hand and leads her out of the room.

"You know you really shouldn't teach so much on the first day of school. No one is paying attention." Izzy hollers and she sprints out the door. JJ and Kie were waiting for them and they all start running.

"We can go to the courtyard." Kie suggest. JJ falls over a bucket that the janitor had placed. He pushes himself up and keeps running behind his friends. The courtyard was deserted beside a couple sitting at one of the tables. "Is that even possible? Shoupe said they didn't make it. He said that!"

"Okay but I... I think we're overreacting, 'cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could all be some real cruel hoax." Pope rambles, his brains calculating the chances of them actually being alive. Kie and Izzy sit on top of the blue wired table.

"Maybe they have phones in the afterlife and he's texting us from beyond the grave." Izzy speculated even though it was most likely not true. JJ had his hand over his chest and Izzy noticed. "You good maybanks?"

"I'm just going to ask him." Kie opens her phone and starts typing.

"What if it's actually him though?" JJ ignores Izzy's question and paces in front of them.

"Then I don't know okay? I don't know." Pope sighs sitting on the brick ledge. JJ continues to pace, taking off his cap and running his hand through his hair.

"Come on John B." Izzy says to herself, using every last bit of hope she had to believe that this was all real.

"Has he responded?" Pope asks impatiently.

"He's typing." Kiaras eyes are glued to the screen. Anticipation builds up inside of the group. It was as if the universe knew this and sent a breeze through the air to cool them.

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Where stories live. Discover now