Chapter 2- party time

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Party time

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Party time

By; my chemical romance


Summer time was Izzys favorite time
of year. Non-stop partying, warm weather, surfing,  no school. What more could a girl want? And what better way to kick of summer than a party?

That's exactly what the pogues set out to do.
Ever since John b's dad went missing his house has been the party place except for occasional keggers at the boneyard. Izzys blonde wavy hair bounced on her shoulders as she walked across John b's yard onto his screened porch to get a drink.

She posted on instagram about the party a while ago and it already had 200 views so they were expecting people to show up soon. Izzy scooped some drink out of the punch bowl that was a mixture of cool aid and different types of alcohol.

Once she had her drink she walked down the the dock where the rest of the pogues were with their drinks waiting for people to come.

The sun was still out and bright. The blue marsh water reflected the suns light as Izzy looked into it. The ocean has always been like a second home to Izzy. When she's stressed about something she just gets into the ocean and the waves wash all of her problems away.

"So then Izzy" Kie looks to Izzy while telling a story of what happened at school that day. She notices Izzy leaning on the railing staring out into the water. "Iz? Izzy?" Kie groans at the girl still not getting her attention. "Isabell!" She almost shouts.

Izzy haze shoots up quickly. She sees all of her friends looking at her confused. She pushes herself off of the railing focusing on them again.

"You good Iz?" Pope asks his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah. Just daydreaming I guess" Izzy shrugs them off.

"Having a wet dream about me Thornton?" JJ remarks with a smirk. She rolls her eyes at him.

"No just thinking about which way to murder you. I think I'm gonna go with drowning." She tells him. John b snorts causing JJ to glare at him. He mutters a quick sorry before taking a sip of his drink.

Teens soon start showing up. Music blares out of the speakers as people stand around the yard dancing, talking and drinking. It's only a little past 8 and the yard is full.

Izzy was keeping herself busy by flirty with some tourist. She was fake laughing at one of his jokes when Kie waves her over.

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