Chapter 31, Anthony

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The rest of the week went without major incident. Tony had put all his import/export operations on hold until the new Family members arrived. There was also a new crew of bikers coming in from Montreal that were supposedly loyal to the Family operations. This organization was nationwide and had worked with the Family for over twenty years. They were sent by Mr. Giovanni personally. Three had arrived. Some thirty more were expected over the next few days.

Kyle and Cora were walking down the main hall towards the office. Dar was there as well, fully cloaked. Cora's face lit up, "oh look its Guito."

"Shh, you two shouldn't be talking, you don't know each other." Kyle whispered.

Cora grabbed his arm and started jumping up and down like a little kid. "Nobody's around, let's go see him please."

Kyle looked frustrated but was still smiling at her. "Fine, I'll go first then you join in as if you don't know him, and Dar will you please be quiet!"

Dar bit him on the neck. "You not my boss, I tear his clothes off."

As they got closer they noticed two more men were standing on the far side of Guito, opposite the main office. Great, the new thugs Cora thought. Kyle stopped right in front of Guito and Cora followed suit acting as if it was a major pain in the ass that she had to stop. Kyle looked at the other guys and then back to Guito.

"Hey Guito, what are you guys up to here?"

The two newbies looked apprehensively over at Kyle not knowing who he was then over to Cora.

"Your dad is registering your cousin for school. He's going to be living with you guys for a while." Guito responded in a professional but friendly manner.

"Cool, is he a cool guy, how old is he?" Asked Kyle while trying to look in the office.

"Same age as you as I understand," Guito responded.

The two newbies satisfied that all was well looked away and began to scan the hallway again. Guito was trying to maintain his cool while Dar tickled his right cheek. He had never seen her cloaking so he initially thought it was a bug or something. He noticed Cora cut her eyes just off to the right of him and quickly put one and one together.

"Guito, I remember you. Didn't my mom work on your arm, how's it doing?" Cora asked.

She moved to Guito's right side and shoved Dar away. Guito laughed to himself, women.

He let Cora lift his arm and pull up his sleeve. She scanned it as if very very interested.

"Wow, its healed up nice, hasn't it? Have you come over for a follow up yet?"

"No, I've been tied up so to speak but I will, possibly on the weekend." He responded.

"Cool,I'll let her know. She's kind of anal. If you don't come she may show up at your door with her little medical bag." Cora said.

Guito laughed, "better not do that, I am a bachelor you know. Not the best at cleaning. By the way, has Dar gotten settled in?

Cora had moved back over by Kyle looked to the right of Guito and cut her eyes at the empty space beside him. "She may be settled in a little too much, I may be putting her in her place soon."

Guito snickered to himself again. These guys are hilarious. His pleasant thoughts were cut short when he felt what seemed like a warm breath on his cheek and heard a whisper in her ear. "She can be so grumpy sometimes. I can't wait to see you this weekend."

Cora, Book 1,  It BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now