Chapter 13, Chrissy Has A Bath

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 The morning went well but Cora had Gym class right after lunch. It wasn't the class that worried her, she enjoyed gym. She loved playing games with the girls. She could have easily dominated in all of the sports but what fun would that be? She always made sure she played "middle of the pack." 

It was the shower afterwards that troubled her. Not the nudity. The federation showers were all co ed and so she had never felt insecure that way.  How could she hide the bandage though? It would raise questions. Thinking back, she should have covered it with an Earth bandage. Too late for should have's.

Getting her gym bag from her locker Cora got an idea. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and ditched her towel, soap, and shampoo into the bottom of her locker. No shower stuff, no shower, no problems she thought, it's not like I even break a sweat in class

Off she went. It was a very light gym class, basketball. Chrissy and her crew tried and tried to physically check Cora time and time again during the game but they just were'nt fast enough. It was quite amusing to watch drawing some chants from other students including Lisa.

The frustration at their inability to check Cora, along with the taunts from the other students, especially from that "witch" infuriated Chrissy. By the end of class, she was fit to be tied. After the last whistle blew and the class was heading to the change room, Chrissy barged forward with her entourage, pushing other students aside. "Get out of my way low lives."

Cora and Lisa looked at her and smiled at each other. In the changeroom, the taunts started. Chrissy first started on Cora, calling her names, trying to humiliate her.

"Grow up child" was Cora's rebuff as she laughed at her.

"You're not affecting her aura hasn't even started to change," said Lisa laughing from further down the benches.

This only seemed to infuriate Chrissy more. Who do these low lives think they are Chrissy thought as she turned to look at Lisa. Her rage exploded. Lisa continued to laugh to herself while folding her gym clothes and putting them away. The rest of the class joined in. This was the straw that broke the camels back. Chrissy screamed, her face turned bright red. She had lost it. She started heading towards Lisa. She was going to show this low life society reject just who was the superior being.

"I'll rip you apart you fuckin bitch. Let's straighten the witch out" Chrissy yelled for her cronies as she advanced on Lisa.

Lisa looked up and right past them to Cora, "Oh-oh," 

"Your fucking right oh oh you bitch you're fucked now" screamed Chrissy.

"Not you, you stupid bitch," Lisa said. "Cora's auras gone black. Shit, shit, shit here we go again, oh fuck, oh fuck!"

Lisa buried her face in her hands covering her eyes "Don't kill her Cora!" 

The change room went quiet as all the other girls stared at Cora advancing on Chrissy. Seeing Cora, Chrissy's entourage of primadonna's immediately started to back off leaving their leader to fend for herself.

Lisa hadn't even fully finished her warning when Chrissy screamed as she felt her hair being grabbed and yanked throwing her onto her back. She looked up seeing an enraged Cora turning with her hair still grasped in her hand. Before she could react she was being dragged on her back, kicking and screaming towards the toilet stalls. All the girls in the change room went silent. They watched in disbelief. Each and every one of them had wanted to do that to Chrissy at one time or another.

Cora, Book 1,  It BeginsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon