Chapter 6, Secret Plans

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Kyle came wandering down the enormous spiral staircase into the opulent main entry of their family home. The ceiling in the entry towered three stories above him. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the frescoed ceiling. Tall windows three stories high allowed the last of the day's sunlight to highlight the white marble floor. Family paintings hung strategically on the walls and a tall multi-tier fountain created a spectacular centrepiece. The Siciliano's home reeked of money, far more money than the family body shop and wrecking yard in this small community could ever make.

It was Sunday evening now. Even though it had been another few days, Kyle was still reeling from Cora's attack and the follow-up abuse from his father and brother. He felt there was nowhere to escape, so he had been drinking excessively and hiding in his room whenever he could. No one had ever challenged him before, no one had ever challenged his father and survived. That wasn't all that bothered him. She scared him. It wasn't the embarrassment of the situation. He was afraid of what she'd do next. Not only her. Greg and Cora were close. They were more than brother and sister; they were bestfriends too. Greg is a funny laid-back guy but one look at him and you realise he could tear a man apart. If they had put Cora through intensive military training, it only makes sense that Greg was too. Kyle couldn't share his concern with anyone in his family, he hadn't even told his mother. He definitely couldn't share this with any of his friends either. Mind you, none had even called him or returned his calls since it all went down. He wasn't sure how to think of that. People used to want to be close to him. He felt alone now and the more he considered it, maybe; he always had been.

Kyle headed around the back of the staircase where an archway gave way into their vast designer kitchen. He was thirsty. Anxiety seemed to always dry his mouth. After looking in the fridge and staring into its nothingness for a few minutes, fuck it, I will see what booze we have. Passing out would be an excellent thing right now. He headed off towards the entertaining room but stopped outside the closed glass doors. His father was in there with James and the four thugs that worked for the family. They were on the two white leather couches that faced each other off to one side of the room. They were all leaning forward, whispering.

"They're up to something nasty I guess," said Kyle quietly to himself. "I don't need any of this shit. I'll go find mom's secret vodka stash."

He ran back upstairs and down the long corridor to the room at the end. He wandered into his mom's craft room. It was large and bright with soft pink walls and white plush carpet. Custom cabinets and craft tables along the walls except where an eight-foot patio door opened onto a private deck that looked over the town and ocean. Two cozy loveseats and a coffee table were strategically placed on one side of the room. Kyle found his mom sitting on one loveseat sipping on a vodka herself. "I was going to sneak in here and steal some of that from you."

This startled her from her thoughts, almost causing her to spill her drink. "Oh Kyle, please go ahead. Pour me another to will you hon then come and sit with me." 

Kyle did as asked walking up to his mom's bar. Every time he used to come to this bar he had wondered who the hell has a bar in a craft room? He had it figured out now, this was her hide away. An escape from his father, who treated her like a doormat. Escape from his business plans and friends that she hated. It was her peaceful place. Why she wasn't a raging alcoholic by now, he couldn't figure out. He was on his way to it. He decided to bring the bottle over and a bucket of ice; walking back and forth wasn't part of the plan tonight. He sat down beside his mom; she snuggled up and put her arms around him.

They each took a few sips of their drinks while quietly enjoying the closeness. Mrs. Siciliano broke the silence, snapping Kyle back to reality. "Son, I'm going to Italy to visit my parents for a while. 

"When will you be back?" he responded.

She paused for a long moment before answering. "I may not come back. I'd like you to go with me at the end of the semester."

Kyle sat for a minute. A thousand thoughts swimming around his head. He loved his mom, and he understood why she was leaving his father. He finally asked, "I don't blame you, but why now? Why so far?"

"Well, you know I've never agreed with what your father does but let us say that I cannot support him at all in what he's doing now. All of my family is in Italy and we'll need their support in getting established again," she responded.

Kyle sat quietly again for a minute or two. He swelled the rest of his vodka down and his mom leaned forward and poured him another one.

"Will James be coming?" He finally asked.

"I don't think so, he's neck-deep in his father's dealings. He's not like you, he loves it. I love him son, but I don't like him anymore," she said.

Kyle got quiet again, trying to process this. He liked Italy, but this was home. He had far too much going around in his head right now. He put his head down into his hands trying to slow down the thoughts when his mom understanding his confusion and changed the subject. "What's going on with school? You've been brooding and avoiding it for a few days now. I've been through a lot of shit in my life so I'm here to talk. You know I never judge you."

Kyle was still leaning forward with his head in his hands, trying to figure out what was happening in his life. His insides felt like they were on spin cycle in the washing machine.

His mom reached up and rubbed his neck. "What was that note for?"

Kyle was quiet again, his thoughts now prioritised, but how could he tell her a girl beat him up. Honesty, he thought and thought then before he knew it he blurted it out. "I was picking on Lisa and she stopped me."

His mom was quiet for a minute. "This defiantly isn't all there is to this. "Who's Lisa?" She asked. 

"Just a hippy chick at school," he replied.

Kyle's mom thought for a moment. "Oh, I think I know who you mean, she seems like a sweet girl, why were you picking on her?"

Kyle took a minute to process what she just said. She was right, Lisa never did or said anything mean to anyone. Cora was right. He looked up at his mom. Tears were flowing, "Because I'm an asshole. I'm always picking on people. I act like a Siciliano and I hate it."

She hugged him tighter, "Well son, you differ from your father and brother. You have a heart. If you keep acting like them, it will tear you up inside. What about the girl that wrote the note?" 

"I was sneaking up behind her. I was going to slap her around then the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor bleeding with her on top of me." he replied.

"Wow, that must have been embarrassing. Is she a big bully type girl?" She asked

"No, just average, but super strong and fast. She's that chick that's always booting around town on the skateboard with the long black hair." Kyle responded.

"Oh. I've seen her," said Mrs. Siciliano, "she seems very insecure."

"She is, I, I um, I pick on her all the time too. Even though I do, whenever I talked to her she's nice to me. I don't know what to think." Kyle said.

Kyles mom tipped his head up so he had to look her in the eyes, "Well son, If you know you were in the wrong there's only one way to fix it and I think you recognise what it is. If you fix that then there's one less thing on your mind."

Kyle leaned on his mom, and she put her arms around him. He knew he was probably too old for it, but his mom always comforted him. And as usual, she was right. He had to go back to school and talk to them both. It would not be easy, but it had to happen.

Kyle and his mom sat together for quite some time, quietly contemplating their situations. It seemed to make them both feel better. Eventually, Kyle felt he may be able to sleep. He gave his mom a kiss and hug, thanking her for being her and headed off to his room.

Cora, Book 1,  It BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now