Chapter 16

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I walked beside Namjoon, not believing he was able to get a private early screening of Child's Play. Personally, I found demonic dolls creepy. But Namjoon seemed excited to see the movie. His smile as he talked about how horror movies were his favourite was enough to convince me to give the knife welding doll a chance. Me actually watching the movie was a different story.

Scream after scream came out of my mouth. It was embarrassing. I just really hate dolls in horror movies. Animatronics didn't bother me, but dolls with AI somehow just wasn't close enough to not be bothersome. In the end, Namjoon ended up holding my hand and letting me bury my face in his shoulder if needed. My fear of dolls stems from when my parents decided to show me the Anabelle series at 10 years old and then proceeded to give me said doll the next day. Yet, somehow, everytime I was sleep or left the room she'd be in a different spot. I was convinced she was from the movie.

So I burned the ho.

Only for her to comeback in my room the next day, sitting beside me in bed. Needless to say, my parents take pranks way to far and I've never been the same since.

We walked down the street, faces covered in masks. I had changed outfits before we left so as to not make it seem too obvious.

It was weird because I ended up subconsciously matching Namjoon. I had on a basic pair of jeans with white shiny combat boots. I had tucked a white blouse into my jean corset. Who knew that me buying this would actually be cute? Needless to say, I'm sure we looked like we had a couple's outfit on. No wonder that when I was picking clothes out,  I already knew they would look so good together. Cause Namjoon was wearing the exact same thing. Dummy.

I looked up at him, smiling profusely, even though he couldn't see it.

I was just so happy to be here. I felt energised and my mind didn't feel as if I was constantly confused. Him being by my side just felt right.

"Down the street, there's this small art gallery I want to take you to." He grabbed my hand and began walking faster.

"Ah Nam-," I stopped myself mid-sentence. "I mean, slow down!"

We weaved in and out of people, getting a few stares along the way. I honestly wondered if people could recognise us. I know in Korea they're usually much more respectful towards celebrities than other countries.

He looked back at me, but showed no inclination of slowing down. "It's about to close and then I have dinner reservations."

He broke into a run and I followed after. My purse swung behind me and I had to grab it with my free hand after accidentally hitting a guy with it. I couldn't help but laugh. It was fun to be running hand in hand with him. His hand was wrapped around mine, but yet he never pulled me to hard. Almost as if he was scared to hurt me.

Finally, he stopped and I almost ran into his back. I bent over and placed my hands on my knees.

My hair fell into my face. "I want you to know that I am severely out of shape. I look healthy, doesn't mean I am."

I looked at him and he rose an eyebrow. "We ran for like five minutes."

As I straightened up, I started to walk inside the white building in front of us. "Yeah, five minutes too long babe," I mumbled to myself. I could feel his eyes roll.

I pulled open the door and was met with soothing music. There were colourful paintings of flowers everywhere. They were absolutely beautiful. Nature paintings were some of my favourite, it was why I grew to enjoy watching Bob Ross. I quickly walked over and let go of my purse. It dangled by my side as I stared at a painting of a blue and purple Dahlia flower. It almost looked real. Like you could reach out and touch it. Simply stunning.

Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now