Chapter 1

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I laid in bed relishing in the fact that I was finally free. 

High school was finally over. It took 19 years for me to finally feel as if life had something to offer other than grades, and drama. I'm just mad it took me a year longer than average. However, I wouldn't change that for the world. The friends and people I met were just as important to me no matter how I met them. Skipping grades was offered to me but I never accepted. I think if so, my life might have turned out different. I don't think I would have the support system I do now or had the chance to be who I am today. That's a different story.

I flopped on my (fave colour) fluffy comforter and threw my head onto the assortment of pillows laying on my bed. Lazily drawing a heart on my arm with the sharpie on my bed, I smiled when I got a doodle of a cute smiley face in return. My mind started to wander to the person that drew it. My soulmate. For the past 2 years, I never bothered to try to start a conversation with them. Never tried to learn Korean. I didn't want to be distracted from school and my extracurricular activities. But now...

I smiled to myself slightly. What would it be like to talk to him often? Would he respond to just anything? Just as I was about to grab my sharpie again, my friend yelled my name.

"Y/N!" My friend welcomed herself into my room while I jumped from her sudden appearance. 

"Oof," I said as she jumped on my bed and laid her head on my stomach. "(B/F/N), if I had a soul, you would be crushing it." I pushed her head off of me and sat up. She rolled her eyes and instead put her head into my lap, squirming around to get comfortable.

"All I hear is yada yada yada." Her hand opened and closed together, mimicking a mouth.

I jumped threateningly at her. "I swear, I question our friendship sometimes." Remember that whole spiel about bonds? Doesn't apply to her anymore.

She squeezed my thigh in response. "Oh please, you love me."

I brushed her hand off and rolled my eyes. "Sadly," I muttered. She threw my pillow at me and I laughed as it hit me in the face.

(B/f/n) was one of few people in my life who could come and go as they please in my house. She was also the only friend I've known since kindergarten. The fact that we're still friends doesn't really surprise anybody at this point. Especially when they see how we act with each other. I watched as she rolled around on the bed and got even more comfortable. The itch to push her off was definitely there.

"Okay, you know what I'm here for and you know I've waited 6 years to see these notebooks, so stop wasting time." She had switched to laying on her stomach and resting her head on her arms. My feet now dangled off the side of my bed as I kicked them around. She gave me a slight nudge and I groaned.

"And you can wait a couple more seconds, geez. You know, you're the second person to see some of this stuff."

She abruptly sat up. "Second? Who's the first (Y/N)?" Her eyes were throwing daggers my way and that was basically my time to show her what she wanted.

Walking to my bookshelves I responded back over my shoulder. "My soulmate is." I grabbed several notebooks from a practically bulging shelf and went back to my bed. I threw them beside her and followed suit. "These are only a couple."

"Speaking of soulmates, when are you going to find out each other's name?" She grabbed a notebook and started looking through it. Her eyes carefully scanned each page. Even though she was my best friend, I was still nervous to let her see this side of me. It was the raw, and unfiltered side. The side that wasn't as strong as I projected it to be. My hands grew twitchy as I resisted the urge to take them back and hide them where no one could ever see what was written inside of them. 

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