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You had just finished writing another quote on your arm and was about to copy it into your notebook when you felt a weird sensation run through you.

Crouching in pain, you tried to catch your breath. Your whole body was hurting and you had no idea why. You wanted to scream but your voice felt like it was deep within you, struggling to surface.

You tried to stand up, only to end up falling over and knocking everything off your desk. 

"(Y/N)!" You could hear your mom's voice from down the hall. She was still upstairs in the office working on school work as well. Her feet pounded against the floor and suddenly she was inside your room.

You were curled up in a ball and tears were streaming down your face. It hurt so much.

She was by your side in an instant, holding you close. She didn't speak until what felt like ages.

"I didn't expect it to happen right at the drop of midnight, much less the same day. Mine was in the afternoon and about 2 months later." 

You were confused as to what she was talking about as you held her arm to distract you from the pain. Then you remembered. 

It was your birthday, you were finally 16. This was the year you would receive the "soulmate sign". Not that it was just a sign, could be anything to be honest. A necklace, tattoos, dreams. 


"Mom, it hurts so much. Tell me it doesn't last long." You were waiting for your mom to reply and realize she had gotten quiet. You looked up at her to find her looking at your arm. 

Looking down as well you became mesmerized by what was happening.

Characters were starting to appear on your arm. It looked like it was actually being written on your arm. The handwriting was so beautiful, to you it was at least. Soon though, you were confused. You couldn't read it at all. 

"Mom, what language is that?" You were able to sit up by yourself, the brute of the pain finally gone. You realised you would be sore for awhile now. 

"Korean...", she looked at you deep in thought. She rose an eyebrow and smiled. "Wonder if he's a Kpop star?"

Laughing, you rolled your eyes. "You're such a fangirl. I didn't even know what kpop was until you came in the house screaming about it. Honestly, I still haven't listened to it."

"I can't help that I'm trendy." She flipped her hair and smiled. You laughed at her and glanced at the clock, which you had knocked down.

Your eyes widen in shock as you realized you had been crying for little over an hour. 

"Think sleep will help?" 

Your mom nodded her head in reply. She got up and helped you up as well, you were still sore from the whole process.

After your mom and you said your goodnights and she made sure you were okay, you started to pick up the contents of your desk. 

It hurt but you did it anyway. After fixing everything you finally picked up your notebook. It held quotes, poems, unfinished lyrics, new words. Basically anything to help you get a point across through writing or speaking was in there. You wrote down the quote from earlier and dated it. 

You loved words, words felt comforting to you. You even wrote your theatre manifesto based on something you wanted to explain and finally found the words for.

As your clock switched to 1:43, you yawned. You looked at your arm and realize the words were getting fainter. You quickly grabbed another notebook and wrote down the characters as best you could. You didn't want to learn Korean or get into kpop but you would end up doing tons of research on Korea later. Which included reading the whole Wikipedia article on the countries.

You smiled though. You couldn't tell what he wrote but it made you happy for some reason. 

Suddenly you thought of another quote. You quickly wrote the words on your arm even though your notebook was right in front of you. Who knew, your soulmate might not even be 16 yet and be able to read it. You always wondered why you could only send and receive signs at 16. No exceptions.

Well maybe some.

As you wrote the words into your notebook and dated it with your birthday and 2015. You felt your arm warm a little.

You looked down in shock. Your soulmate had written your words back to you. You now at least know that they're 16 or older. 

You smiled as you read your quote back. 

"Don't want to be lonely, just want to be yours."

Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now