Chapter 12

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I stared at my phone just laying on my desk. It was almost time for me to give him a call but my heart was racing. I had sent a text earlier saying who it was and received an almost immediate response. After awhile he made it quite clear that he wanted to FaceTime. Which directly leads back to why I was so nervous.

Not only would he hear my voice in a one on one conversation (not really cause Bee was here and he was with his band mates) but he could see my facial expressions. Expressions I have no control over.

As much as I bragged about being an independent woman, my brand was really working against me today.

My eyes flickered to the ice cream in my hand and I spun around in my chair. Bee was lounging in my bed, looking through movies on my Firestick.

I quickly put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and tried to think about how the sugary goodness tasted.

"Nervous?" My mom walked in and sat on the bed beside Bee, followed by her mom who sat on my beanbag chair.

Glad my room wasn't a dirty wreck.

"Oh yea, she's nervous. She's been shoving ice cream in her mouth for the past half hour while she stares at her phone. Good think she can't choke on it," Bee put the remote down and joined my mom on the edge of the bed.

I hadn't realised I had eaten that much ice cream but with a look down I saw that I had almost finished a quart of it by myself. I sat the container on my desk and smiled.

My phone vibrated with a notification but I ignored it and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm a nervous eater, what can I say."

Another notification came and this time I picked up my phone to see what it was. It was a text from Namjoon saying he was free. The second message was him asking me to download Kakaotalk. Apparently it was a really popular app used for texting, calls, and FaceTime.

As I went to the App Store, I decided to ask a question. "What happens after this?"

Finding the app, I downloaded it and began to set up an account.

"What do you want to happen," my best friend's mom asked from the floor.

I looked at her quizzically. I didn't know what I wanted to happen. I just knew that this was happening very fast but not fast enough. Something in me itched to meet him. To have his arms wrap around my waist in a hug, his hands hold my face while his brown eyes looked into mine. My heart ached as those thoughts ran through my mind and I felt the bristle of a longing pain in the back of my head.

Pushing away the oncoming headache, I looked at Bee instead. "Download this app, I text the name to you."

Returning my gaze to our mothers I set my phone down, done with setting up the account besides finding a profile picture.

"I want him to like me... and I want him to want to meet up. I want to visit him. I have to."

They shared a glance after what I said I couldn't help but smile shyly. Way to give your mothers ammo.

My mom got teary eyed and it took all my will not to roll my eyes. "Oh my gosh. For the love of- mom do not cry. Cause then she'll cry. Then I'll cry. Then Bee will get mad about my makeup again."

A disgruntled sound came from Bee's direction and I smiled.

My mom stood up, "it's just... I knew you had your soulmate sign but now that you've graduated I noticed the slight changes. The way you would smile at your arm as something new would show up. The way you would write in your notebook with a smile and then murmur about how you think he'll like it. The way you slowly started to fall in love through his words. My baby is going to leave me."

Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now