Chapter 11

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This time around in the car, it was anything but silent. Bee and I chatted the whole way to the store, our excitement (well her excitement and my nervousness) bouncing off of each other. We had even turned on the radio and for some reason, my livestream was a trending topic. That just caused us to just squeal and laugh at how stupid we sounded when they played audio clips.

"Girl, I can't believe he's going to call you," Bee yelled while bouncing up and down in the passenger seat.

I laughed. "I know. It's only like the seventh time you've said that." I pulled into the parking lot of (your phone carrier) and found a parking spot.

"So tell me what it's like being in love?" She turned to me and I froze. Love? I was not in love. Crushing? Maybe. But love. I fixated my (e/c) eyes on her and rose an eyebrow. Although as soon as I looked at her I knew she was joking.

Bee's laughter filled the car as I rolled my eyes and got out. "You should see your face right now."

A smile slowly worked its way onto my lips but my mind was wandering. I got so caught off guard by that one small word. A word that means nothing. But I knew I was lying to myself. As a writer that word could hold so much emotion, so much weight. I just wasn't there yet. I've never met Namjoon face to face, I'm pretty sure I just did an unauthorized livestream, and I didn't even know of BTS before my soulmate sign. So love was definitely not what I was feeling. More like he is very likable. Very.

Although I do remember almost saying that I love Namjoon. What a klutz.

Red fingernails were suddenly in my face as Bee shook her hand to get my attention. "(Y/n)? You okay? You just totally zoned out." She put her hand on her hip as I turned towards her. Her face was one of concern.

Drawing my eyebrows together, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just zoned out."

"Yea.... that's what I said..." Bee replied back slowly.

We must have stopped outside of my car cause we were standing beside it, not even close to walking inside the business. Maybe I'm more nervous than I thought.

"Bee, do you think that maybe I shouldn't have done that livestream?" The words fumbled out of my mouth as I tried to piece my mind back together.

"Oh you definitely shouldn't have done that livestream." She turned away from me and walked into the building. "And stop calling me Bee!"

Wait what?

She waits until after the livestream is over and done with to tell me this. What the- I ran after her and into the cool air of (phone carrier). Bee was already at the front talking over international plans by the time I walked up.

"Sorry," I said to the guy and turned to my best friend, "What do you mean I shouldn't have done the livestream? You encouraged me to do it?"

"Yea, I think it was good for you to do it and get stuff off your chest and you know I'm one for girl power and everything but, and this is a big one, you should've totally gotten permission from his company first," she held up a card with a price on it. "You think this one is good? It has unlimited everything for international stuff too."

My mind was blown when I heard the obviously logical information that came out her mouth. Of course I should've got permission first. But, girl power. Right?

"Uhhh, whatever is fine." I reached into my purse and pulled out my wallet. I found my bank card and handed it to Bee as she made whatever decision I should be making.

"Hand me your phone." I placed my phone into her outstretched hand and turned to sit on the benches in the middle of the store.

Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now