Chapter 7

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The drive on the way home was weird to say the least. I had left my phone on vibrate and so I could hear it in the seat beside me, like it was begging me to look at it. Eventually I took it off vibrate, and the car was then too silent.

Let's not forget that tears were still running down my face and I was constantly reminding myself that everything would be okay.

After a brief existential crisis, I put on some music. That actually worked. Demi Lovato was on and Sorry Not Sorry was just what I needed right now. Until the radio started talking about BTS when it was done. And we all know what the topic was. So then I put music on from my phone. 

Then it was all good. Still crying, but all good.

As I pulled into the driveway, all I could think about was what I read. Do people really think I don't deserve him? They don't even know who I am. Another sigh filled the air. I turned off the car and sat back in the seat, hearing the music but not listening to it. 

I wanted to say something to Namjoon but of course I couldn't. Those are his fans, his family. That would just put him into a bigger conflict than it already is. Imagine if he said something about it. Then people might assume I'm cheating on one of them. 

As the tears ran down my face, I wondered why I was actually crying. All this talk about being independent, yet I couldn't take hate? Was I crying because of the hate? Or was it more? 

Was it because they acted like they knew me? They assumed? Or maybe it was the fact that they just automatically figured I was bad for Namjoon. 

But as I looked out the window, I knew what it was. It was because they hit me where it hurts the most. They degraded me. They hated on the one thing I was confident on. And they brought Namjoon into it. So maybe it wasn't pity I felt for myself, but anger. Anger because they thought they knew me and they couldn't have been further from the truth.

I took a deep breath. A glance at my phone suddenly made me wonder what was happening. Just as I was about to pick up my phone, the passenger door flew open.

"What- Mom!" Relief filled me and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

She sat down and closed the door behind her. I looked at the front door and saw my dad standing in the doorway. His face was full of worry and I flashed him a smile to make it seem as if I was fine. But he knew I was lying, he only shook his head before closing the door.

We sat in silence and I was wondering what she would say. There were so many things she could start off with. Why didn't I tell her? Why am I trending right now? Why am I so stupid?

"Are you okay?" She turned towards me and put a hand on my hand. 

The tears I thought I had finished suddenly started again. I leaned into her and hugged her as tight as possible.

She let me cry and cry for what felt like hours. Her grip on me never loosened and the circles she rubbed on my back helped calm me. Just like when I got my soulmate sign.

Sitting in silence is not always a good thing. Now I understand why people say it's violent. 

And now I'm quoting song lyrics, nice one (y/n).

When I finally pulled away, the spot on her shoulder was soaked. "Do you feel better?" 

I nodded my head, mouth to dry to even speak. 

I took a sip of my soda. 

"So, why were you upset?" She posed the question as if she didn't know what was happening. But I knew what she wanted. She wanted me to tell her everything myself. So I did. From start to finish, which wasn't much.

When I finally finished, she looked at me. All she did was look. When she's thinking hard, she'll just look at you. Like you're one huge piece of a puzzle. A puzzle that only she can see.

"I don't want to know why you never told me. Why you didn't trust your own mom, but I'm glad you finally did. I want to help you. I want you to come to me with stuff like this. That's what I'm here for." 

The whole time she was talking her face was one of concern. I knew I could trust her. She was my mom, of course I could trust her.

So why didn't I tell her?

My eyes looked down and then back up at her. "So I'm assuming you saw?"

A grimace appeared on her face and I knew what her response would be. I nodded my head. "Mom, if I can't even handle this, what am I going to do when I actually meet him?"

"You'll be strong enough. By then you should be able to handle yourself." My eyes scanned her face, soaking in the reassurance she was giving me. She has never led me wrong before and I don't think she will this time.

She opened the car door and swung her legs out. "Fangirls are so toxic these days."

"You're telling me." 

Grabbing my phone, I scrolled through the notifications. Is this what it's like to be Instagram famous? It's weird.

I got out the car and made my way to the front door, bag and mom in tow. "Wait, before you go in there, I kind of need to tell you something."

Turning around slowly, I quirked an eyebrow. "What did you do?" 

A cautious glance at the house was all I needed to know that no one was inside. Plus the driveway and street were looking normal. She glanced down at her phone and smiled. Something that was already suspicious was made even more suspicious.

"You maybe went viral." She shrugged her shoulders and I looked at her in disbelief. Yea tell me something I don't know.

"I know." 

I started walking back inside and she grabbed my arm.

"No, look at this." She shoved her phone into my face, I reeled back and grabbed her phone. On her screen was a video of me, sitting in B&N. I watched the whole thing play out all the way until I ran out crying.

My face reacted before I let out another sigh.

"Great, and now I seem like an emotional whiny bi-"

"Don't finish that."


Before I knew what I was doing, I grabbed my mom's hand and walked inside. "I think I should do a livestream on IG."

Okay you guys, I know I promised this awhile ago but honestly so much has been happening.

Trust me I intend to finish all these books and then move on to the rest of BTS and then a series for Got7. Not sure if it will be soulmate or not but hey, I at least know the group.

The rest of this books plot is basically planned out it's just the problem of writing and updating.


I know this chapter is probably bad but a lot will happen in the next chapters so yayyyy


Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now