Chapter 4

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"I don't get no sleep cause of you, you won't get no sleep cause me!"

I groaned in my sleep as the loud chant came closer to my room.

I could hear the metallic clanking of pots and pans banging together. Shaking my head, I wondered why I was friends with such an annoying girl.

Grabbing my pillow, I covered it over my head to block the noise.

"(Y/N)," (B/F/N) yelled as she sauntered into my room. "You can't sleep today. We got things to do, people to check. GET UP."

She clanked the pans together some more.

For the love of-

I threw my pillow at her, my face still stuffed into the mattress.

"Why can't this family be normal?" I flipped over and squinted my eyes. (B/F/N) had opened my curtains and the sun streamed in, illuminating the devil who woke me up.

"Normal is bleh, now get up," she whined as she pulled my arms to sit me up.

I reluctantly sat up and rubbed my eyes. Hoping it would change the fact that I was still tired.

"You're annoying."

She rolled her eyes. "In five minutes, when you're fully up, you'll stop being this mean. You're such a half-hearted morning person."

"It's been four days since we graduated. What do you expect?"

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I rolled my shoulders back and worked out some of the kinks. My body creaked as if I hadn't moved in ages, the bones popping like I was coming to live.

"That's better. I'm assuming I already know why you came here?" I watched her with a raised eyebrow.

She winked at me and clicked her tongue.

"No surprise there." I started to move to my computer when she grabbed my arm.

"Get dressed."

I sighed. "What, why?" I walked over to my closet and looked in.

"I want to go to Starbucks, please?" She gave me a little pout.

"You're so basic sometimes, but fine."

I turned and walked over to a pile of folded clothes sitting on the floor. Pulling out some ripped skinny jeans, I also found my BMTH tank top.

"So I brought my laptop too, we can just chill at Starbucks and do some research. Why can't you just ask him though?"

She leaned against the door of the hallway bathroom as I brushed my teeth.

"I don't want too." I spit out and rinsed off the sink.

Following me in, (B/F/N) sat on the toilet as I started to get dressed.

"But why?"

"He had three years to tell me. Never did."

I paused and thought about that. I wasn't mad, but why wouldn't he tell me?

"Maybe, he wanted you to like him for him? I don't know."

Turning to stare at her, I considered what she said. "You might not be wrong. This whole conundrum is just a mess."

"Didn't have to be," (B/F/N) muttered.

"Shut up."

Deep down though, I knew she was right. If I would just ask like a normal person, I wouldn't have to play Inspector Gadget. But of course, me being the person I am, just had to be difficult. Not stubborn per-say, but more like independent. Something I always valued in myself.

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