Chapter 6

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It had been only a month since we graduated and I was still flying high. This whole month has been amazing. Not only have I just graduated, I'm talking to who I truly believe may be the person who gets me most on this Earth, and I might be able to see him in a few months. 

A smile grew on my face as I thought about him. We had talked last night about our hopes and dreams and it was really nice to just sit and talk. I always wanted someone who I could share my dreams with. What really made me happy was that he seemed like he supported me. He supported me trying to be a writer no matter what happens. 

I sipped my soda and walked into the cafe of Barnes and Nobles. I found a spot and sat down, setting my bag down on the table. My phone was already on Instagram when I opened it. Sliding to the right, I posed for a picture and put a silly caption on it. Closing Instagram, I pulled out my notebook and pencils and flipped to the next empty page. 

"I wanna be your summer, I wanna be your wave. I wanna be with you." I dated the page and sighed. I just want to be there with him. 

Playing with the end of my straw, my mind wandered to last night. 

You sat at your desk writing a new short story. An idea had randomly popped into your head and you thought what better time to write than at 1 in the morning. 

Scribbling away in your notebook, your thoughts filled of every outcome that could possibly happen to your character. Pausing to think about which would fit most, you suddenly looked down at your arm.

"Hey, are you busy?" You weren't sure how to answer the question. To you it was important but he might not get it. You decided to come back to it later.

"Not really, but let me write something down real quick." Jotting down a few ideas in your own personal shorthand, you closed your notes and looked at your arm.

"Oh okay, you write a lot." A grin slightly appeared, he should know.

"Yea, I love writing. It's an outlet for me to speak myself."

"Speak yourself huh? I like how that sounds." A laugh escaped your lips.

"Is it just a hobby or do you want it to BE something?" You stopped laughing as you looked down at your arm again. He was basically asking what writing meant to you. You couldn't help but feel as if he was truly intrigued by what you did.

"I've always wanted to be a writer. Whether it be poetry, songwriting, short stories, etc. I want to dabble in everything. I want to be an all around writer. The writers who inspire people by their words and their stories. The ones who can create a movement, you know?"

You had to write in your stomach to fit everything in. You were truthful, feeling as if he earned the right to know this about you.

A laugh filled your thoughts. "You want to speak yourself and inspire others to do the same."

You smiled brightly, "Exactly Namjoon."

"I still find it weird that you know my name and I don't know yours." It never really came to your mind in that context but I guess he was right. You could find out so much info about him online but he couldn't find a thing about you.

"Do you want my Instagram?" 

As soon as you posed the question your eyes widened. Sure you have a good following and you get at least a 100 likes per pic but that means nothing. He was your soulmate. Your dork. He would see you for the first time and you're not sure you were mentally prepared for such a thing to happen.

Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now