Chapter 15

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"I don't think I can do this."

I paced the waiting room we had been taken to at Big Hit. I couldn't sit still. My subconscious was alerting me, telling me that Namjoon was around. Nervousness was starting to fill me up to the brim. I sat down in a chair, my leg bouncing anxiously.

The clacking of my nails against the arm of the chair could be heard echoing around the room. Bee looked at me with a smile and our mothers sat beside each other talking but sparing a glance every now and then. I rubbed my hand down my neck. This is killing me. We've been sitting here for around 15 minutes.

Standing up again, a sigh escaped my glossy lips. I could not be this nervous when I meet him. I'll look stupid. Well, I've already done stupid things anyway.

When we first arrived, we had a big meeting with some higher ups in the company. I'm sure I apologised over a hundred times about how I acted recklessly. It was nerve wracking. To think that I not even once thought of his career? Selfish, to say the least. They began talking to my mother and I zoned out completely. I couldn't concentrate at all. For one, finally having the chance to meet Namjoon one of these days easily distracted me. Second, I had no idea where we would go after we met.

Apparently, when I voiced my concern later on in the waiting room we're in now, someone at said meeting had mentioned plans. I was too zoned out though, I ended up writing on my arm with my tongue slightly sticking out during the meeting and my mom had to explain that me being close to my soulmate was giving me some weird vibes.

So that just means I didn't hear a word and ended up apologising yet again but this time to my family.

I took out my phone and saw a text from my dad.

Spermgiver 🐋: Everything okay?
Me: DAD I WANT TO GO HOME, I'm scared....
Spermgiver 🐋: Scared of what? Aren't you at that company Big Hut?

(A/N: if you can't see the emoji, it's a sperm whale lol)

A smile formed on my face. Leave it to dad's to mess up a name.

Me: Big Hit*
Me: Idk! Just like, I need you here to calm me down and make jokes. He's so close, I can feel his presence
Spermgiver 🐋: I can tell you a joke if that helps
Me: Yes 😖 pleadeefvdggsd
Spermgiver 🐋: You 😂😂😂

If this wasn't my dad I swear I would choke him. But it did end up making me laugh a little.

Me: This is why I told Mom to divorce you when I was 4😭😂
Spermgiver 🐋: No, you wanted her to divorce me so you could marry me. You said you wanted to marry your daddy because I was the only one who could protect you. I still feel that way.

A lone tear dropped down. I stopped pacing and stood still. My dad was great, and he did protect me alot. Yet, he chose not to come here.
My phone lit up, telling me I had got another text.

Spermgiver 🐋: Now, it's not really my job anymore. That Namjoon guy is the one protecting you now. But remember, I love you. There's no reason to be scared of the one person who will love you more than your mom and I.
Me: I love you too ❤️ Thanks dad
Spermgiver 🐋: Anything for you for my little sperm

Soothing circles were being rubbed on my back as I stared down at the last text. I looked up and saw my best friend's smiling face. She looked down at my phone. "You're still low-key daddy's little girl, you know that right?"

I laughed and smiled at her. But her face wasn't the same soft smile it was just a few seconds ago. Now she had wide eyes and her brown matte lips were in the shape of an "O".

"I always wanted to hear that laugh in person."

That voice.

My feet froze in their spot. My heart started beating erratically. I never heard the door up because my nails were tapping loudly on my phone screen. I look at my moms and then slowly turned around. I was trying to prepare myself, but no amount of any type of self preparation had me ready for this moment.

Write my love // Namjoon x reader: Soulmate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now