Chapter 12.5

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"Hyung, why do you always add her as a writer's credit?" Jungkook stood over Namjoon, checking on the man who had been holed up in his studio for days.

Yoongi was doing the same and it seemed as if they only communicated with each other, the producers, and Jin. However, Jungkook could see the words sprawling up and down Namjoon's arms. Not a conversation, but random quotes and sayings and words. Only half of which he could read. Jungkook was always fascinated by the tattoos. He was fascinated by Namjoon's whole soulmate sign actually.

Namjoon stopped typing and looked down at his arms. A smile played on his lips as he lightly traced the letters on his arm. He never really told the others that many of her words were in their songs or at least inspired them. He looked up at the young boy. Jungkook stood in his usual black hoodie and jeans.

Jungkook was close to him in a different way, plus he needed someone to confide in right now. "Let me read something to you." Namjoon glanced over his arm until he found what he wanted. He pointed a thin finger at the words and Jungkook bent over to see it. "'When time decides that the rules of science don't apply, that's when you know a relationship is worth more than anything to those people. Sometimes, I wish time for me wasn't so straightforward. I wish I could see him in any time.' That's something she wrote. Recognise it?"

Namjoon put his arm down. The last part made him feel dejected. Of course he didn't know her personally but he still felt as if he knew a side of her no one else did. He wanted to comfort her, let her know he was there in more ways than one. Jungkook reached back and scratched his neck, not quite figuring out where this was going.

"Hyung?" He asked so he could get an answer.

"It's part of our storyline. The flashbacks, the memories. She inspired some of our storyline. Yes she came after, but many of her words inspired new ideas. That's why she gets a writer's credit." Arguably one of their most famous lines was written by her. Several of them actually. Save Me, Spring Day, I Need U, etc.

Jungkook's eyes bulged out of his head. So if she wasn't around, their music would've been different? Jungkook sat down in the couch in Namjoon's studio. This girl was practically a member of BTS. And did she even know?

Jungkook crossed his arms and leaned back. "Does she know?"

Namjoon went silent. "I mean," he looked down at his hands, "she kind of did."

"Kind of? Namjoon Hyung what does that mean?"

Meeting eyes with the younger boy, Namjoon let out a sigh. "She didn't at first. It was my way of having her find me."

"What if she hasn't wanted her words to be out there?" Jungkook stood up and walked to the collection of KAWS.

Namjoon followed him. The thought had never crossed his mind. He knew Jungkook was right. He just assumed. But then again seems like they've both been doing that recently. He turned back to his computer and looked at the song in front of him. Is it too late to stop?

Jungkook could tell the older was deep in thought. He didn't mean to bring it up that way. But out of all the people working on stuff, Namjoon was holed up the most. The toll of not seeing his soulmate was beginning to effect him, whether he saw it or not. He wondered how he could get him to loosen up more and relax. Suddenly an idea struck him.

Jungkook walked behind Namjoon and put an arm around him. "I was just checking up on you. Come out soon okay? I gotta talk to Jin Hyung."

Namjoon responded with a nod.

A sigh escaped Jungkook's lips. Just as he was about to close the door behind him, he heard a voice.

"I'll be there for dinner." Then he heard typing on the computer.

Jungkook quickly closed the door with a small smile for his victory. Walking down the hall, he pulled out his phone and opened Kakaotalk. He had a plan in actiom, he just needed to find (y/bf/n)'s Kakao. He swiped through his contacts until he found the smiling picture of her. Cute.

JK: Can we talk?
Bee: Sure
JK: Let me start a group
Bee: Group? Also I can use Google translate if it's easier typing in Korean.
JK: Same here.

He nodded and quickly switched to his Google keyboard for quick translations. It'll have to do for now. He walked into Jin's room and sat on the bed. Going back to his contacts he made a group with Jin and (y/bf/n).

Jin looked down at his phone. "Ya, why am I in this chat with you and her?" He turned from his game and looked at the youngest quizzically.

In Jungkook's head, he was already forming a plan to get Namjoon and his soulmate together. It was only a matter of time. Right now, they're in Korea for their 5th muster. Why not bring her here and get things settled with the company. It was a gamble but he hated that his hyung, maybe his favourite, was in such a weird mood. If anything, Jin would be the one to help. He had too.

"Namjoon needs his soulmate Jin. Trust me on this."

Never before had Jin seen Jungkook so determined. This was a whole new new level of determination. Sure he's seen him pass out from shows and practise until he's practically sick but this was something different. He was truly worried. "You think he might slip?"

His hair bobbed as he nodded his head. Jungkook was sure that Namjoon would just sink into a hole of work. Soulmate signs were mysterious. And there are known to be a wide array of effects if soulmates aren't together. Especially when communication has been involved. He's just surprised it's lasted this long before the cracks started to show. The two were both making irrational decisions and something needed to give.

Jin stared at his phone. Finally he started typing.

Jin: Here's the deal-

Jungkook smiled.

Bee: If it's about Namjoon and (y/n) I'm down.


I know italics are usually used for flashbacks but this is obviously not a flashback. Also I really liked this but it didn't fit in with the main stuff and when I tried to make it a certain POV, I realised it was third person soooo yea doesn't really work.

Anyways enjoy this because I didn't update and I keep lying. Also it really sets the tone for chapter 13 because this happened but you technically have no idea this happened. Hehe

I love you guys! Always!



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