Chapter 11

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Hermione POV

"So how has living here been so far?" Ginny asks as she and Harry take a seat at the bar in my kitchen. I shrug. 

"It's been ok. Umm I had a little accident Monday that landed me in St. Mungo over night but I am fine now." I explain, leaving out Draco. 

"What happened?!?" Harry asks worried. I roll up my sleeve to show them the bandage around my arm.

"I woke up to my scar bleeding, I assume it was from me scratching in my sleep. I tried cleaning it off and letting it be but after an hour it was still heavily bleeding. Thankfully I was able to get myself to St. Mungo's before passing out." I explain to them while peeling off the bandage. Glancing at the time I decided to re apply the ointment I was given while dinner finishes in the over. 

"I'll be right back." I tell them before walking towards my bedroom. While in my room I can here Ginny messing around in the kitchen. 

"You think she has any Firewhiskey?" I hear her ask Harry. 

"I'm sure it's somewhere in here. Just wait for her to come out and ask." Before Ginny can respond I speak up. 

"Top left cabinet." I yell. Both Ginny and Harry laugh before I hear her yell out again. 

"Found it, thanks Mione." I finish caring for my arm and head back towards the living room. Before I make it all the way back to the kitchen my front door swings open. 

"Hermione, love?" Draco enters my apartment without even noticing Harry and Ginny.  He sees me standing in the middle of the living room and wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug. 

"Ummm Draco." He pulls back and I glance over to where my  best friends are sitting. Ginny's glass of Firewhiskey about to slip out of her hand from shock. 

"Why is Malfoy in your apartment!" Harry shouts while standing from his seat, reaching for the wand that I know is in his pocket. 

"Harry James Potter you had better not pull that wand out. Draco is my neighbor and sometimes he randomly shows up here." I see Draco go to open his mouth but I elbow him in the ribs. 

"And him calling you love while hugging you?" Harry raises his eye brow in suspicion at us. I roll my eyes like it isn't a big deal. 

"Honestly I don't know. He started doing that the other day for some reason whenever he walks in. I'm guessing to keep me from yelling at him. Anyways what did you need Malfoy." I turn towards Draco and try to get him to understand not to say anything. He must get it because I notice him nod slightly. 

"I just wanted to see if you have anything worth eating. Zabini came over and raided my whole fridge." I point to the fridge and Draco walks over like he owns the place. Ignoring him I walk over to the oven to check on the pizza I put in there. 

"About five more minutes." I tell Harry and Ginny before pouring myself a glass of Firewhiskey. After a few minutes of digging through mu fridge Draco leaves with what looks like a container of spaghetti and some pre-sliced apples. 

"See you later." He calls out while walking back over to his place. Once he is gone I am met with a pair of brown and green eyes. 

"How in Merlin's name did you not think to mention Malfoy is your neighbor!" Ginny exclaims. I just shrug. 

"I mean it's only been what, 4 days, since I moved in and I haven't seen you since you helped move my stuff." They both glance at each other, unsure if they should believe me or not. Not caring what they think I once again check on dinner. 

"Alright who's hungry?" I ask as I pull out the pizza. My two friends smile and we dig in. 


"So did Potter and Weaslette ask any questions?" Draco asks while laying across my couch. I roll my eyes from where I stand by my bookshelf. 

"No more than I would expect. Just why didn't I tell them you live across the hall." I explain while pushing his feet off the couch so I can sit down with my book.

"Well why didn't you tell them?"

"Because I've only lived here 4 days and 2 of them I was in the hospital for. Plus it shouldn't matter, who lives across the hall is my business. Even if it is a ferret." He shoots me a playful glare and I smile. "So tell me, what was the real reason you came over earlier? I know Blaise eats a lot but your fridge was full yesterday." Draco just shrugs. 

"I was bored and I figured you were probably over here working on a case file. So I figured why not see if you wanted to join me for dinner." He sits up from his seat and lays his head on my shoulder. 

"If you have been about 45 minutes earlier I would have taken you up on that offer. I wasn't expecting Harry and Ginny tonight, I guess they were just in the neighbor hood. I will admit though, it was nice to see them." 

"I figured they would be over everyday with the Weasel." He says this jokingly but he doesn't realize why Ron isn't around anymore. He must notice how my face drops at the mention of my ex. "What's wrong?" I just shrug. 

"Ron has taken himself out of our group for the moment. We were together for about a year and some stuff went down that caused him to leave." I say with tears in my eyes. 

"Did he cheat?" He asks softly, scared of how I might react. I simply nod. 

"I found him with Pansy Parkinson about 2 weeks before I moved. Since then he has kept his distance." 

"Do Potter and Weaslette know?" 

"No, I told Ron I wouldn't tell him. He screwed up so he has to tell them." I shrug, yes it hurts still to think about but I am glad things ended between us. I never loved Ron like I remember loving Draco. 

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