"Adi" sameer call her and stood up.

"Hmm" she turns to see sameer standing a step away from her.

"You were looking beautiful today" he felt his whole body relax the moment Adi set beside him. And he literally forgets everything. A small blushed crept her cheeks.

"Thank you. You were not looking bad for yourself too" she said smiling teasingly.

"Accha.? I'm really grateful that you found me not so bad looking" he said putting his hand on his chest dramatically while Adiba giggle.

"Okay, now let me go I want to change and then sleep I'm too exhausted," Adiba said. Sameer left her hand still smiling she headed to the washroom.


Adiba's POV,

I stirred before opening my eyes slowly. I felt someone holding me from behind. My eyes widened. I turn my head and found sameer sleeping holding me. My heart accelerates and breath hitched. I didn't know when he came and sleep on the bed with me. I only remember last night I come out of the bathroom after wearing my night suite and literary fell on the bed and dozen off.

I try to move away but it made sameer woke up. He glances at me before closing eyes again. I stare at him confused as a small smile comes to his lips. he opens his eyes again but this time his eyes showing so much emotion.

"Good morning. I want my every morning like this. Waking up with you in my arms" he whispers kissing my temple and I felt my breath hitched and heart stopped. I stare at his eyes for a few moments before realising I was again losing in his eyes. and the next thing I know he falls on the ground. Yes, I pushed him.

"What the... Is this a way to say good morning to your husband Adi?" He was not angry that I pushed him cause he had a smirking plaster on his face.

"When you came on the bed?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him ignoring his comments. He got up and again sat on the bed.

"When you were in your dreamland"

"We already decided that you will sleep there on the couch and I will on the bed then why you sleep here with not my permission" I glared at him.

"Can't a husband sleep beside his wife?" He asked with a fake pout.

"Stop saying that. You are not my husband. We were playing this only for madiya's wedding and it's over now, they left this house so stop playing this"

"But your still here," he said still smirking. And then a realisation hit me.

He is right! All the guest left last night. But I'm still in his room and on his bed. I totally forgot that it was only a game and it was over.

I sigh and got out of bed. "I..I'm sorry... I... Last night I was tired so I forgot to...it won't happen again" I said stuttering. I was embarrassed.

"Adi it's okay..."

"No, it's not okay... It's not okay sameer" with that I walk out of his room.


"I will miss you" I whisper in Amma's ear. She pulls back and wipes a tiny tear from my eyes.

"I will be back soon beta," she said softly.

"I don't know Amma if I will be here when you come back or not. You know I will soon leave this country" I said feeling sad that maybe this was the last time I was seeing her. She smiles but before she could say anything we heard Sameer's voice he asked the driver that if he put everything in the car or not. Sameer hugged amma saying come back soon and made Amma sit in the car before closing the door. The car drove away making me nervous to the core. I started walking inside the house.

Now only sameer and I will be in this house. ALONE.

Aliya, the new maid, will be here but only in the day time. I was nervous and scared not because I didn't have trust in sameer, I do trust him. but because of, I didn't trust myself around him. I need to do something.

"Adi" Sameer's voice makes me startled. I stop and turn to him. He was busy on his phone but then look up at me. "I'm going to the office. Something important comes up. I will be here before dinner... Okay?" He informed me and then ask if I was okay? I nodded my head and with that, he headed out of the house.


I was in my room roaming here and there thinking what to do. My feelings for him make me weak and I didn't want this. This was wrong. I was married, he was married. And having these feelings was wrong. And living alone in the house with the person you have feelings, would be more dangerous.

After all the day I finally decided what I should do. At dinner, sameer and I had our meals silently. Sameer looks in deep thought just like me.

After dinner, I clean the table and
took the dishes in the kitchen while feeling his gaze on me all the time. I found sameer standing on the kitchen doorway staring at me.

"Adi we need to talk" he started and took a step toward me. His gaze makes me feel nervous and weak. My heart started beating fast.

This is the time. I should inform him about my decision.

I thought and before he could take another step I said. "I have decided something sameer" he stopped and narrow his eyes at me before leaning on the counter crossing his arms. "What decision?" He asked still with narrow eyes. I can tell, he comprehends that whatever I will say will be something unpleasant to him.

"I.." I clear my throat. Taking a deep breath I look at him "I called Mishal a few days ago. She told me that she will arrange everything. I just need to meet with her uncle samiullah, who is a manager in some S/A enterprises. He will help me. And I have decided that I will leave from here and will stay with his family till my passport come and after that, I will leave this country" I said everything in one breath and ran out of the kitchen before he could say anything.


How was it?

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The turning point is coming guys. Lock your seatbelts we are about to take off.

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Love angel❤

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