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Yusuf's POV

I must admit that more than once, I've dreamt of this moment. I've dreamt of how it would feel to have Maryam, to feel her like this and now that I have in reality, I found out that she has surpassed all my dreams, imaginations and expectations. Now when I think of beauty, it will forever be in the vision of everything about Maryam.

What is inarguably the best night and the best morning of my life was only interrupted by this awareness of what was awaiting me in my workplace. I had left Maryam with a heavy heart, wishing that we were in some other setting where none of this had happened.

Though Maryam hadn't asked and I hadn't told her, oddly, I knew she understood that today I was going to make sure that those cameras were removed from our house. I had already made the arrangements but I won't be able to go myself until I had settled everything at the HQ.

It had been all that was troubling me and I just couldn't wait to get rid of this suspense. To see if the personal vendetta Gen. Mikail had against me for reasons unknown to me, was going to prove to be as extreme as the threat he had made to me when he visited my house that day. If in fact it was, I had no choice but to do something that would offset the promotion that was due to me only a few months from now.

When I arrived at the building, I set route for the General's office instead of mine. I entered into his cabin and waited a few minutes to be ushered into his office by his secretary. When I got into the conducive space of his office and saw him seated with a smug expression behind his mahogany desk, I knew that I was in for it.

"At ease," General Mikail said after I had saluted him and he gestured to the chair opposite his. "Take a seat."

"Yes sir," I sat down and took a slow breath in.

"I'm sure you already know why you are here Brigadier General."

I really didn't know since I was still hoping for the best but I nodded anyways. "Yes sir."

"There's a matter that I think is best I let you know myself." He looked at me slyly, "As you know we lost a team you were to head and it just raises a question Brigadier, why? Why did you decide to take leave on the same day you were supposed to report to lead them?"

"Sir... there was an urgent personal issue I had to attend to," I recalled all the events of the rush I felt when me and Maryam left for Sokoto to see her late grandfather. "And I was of the opinion that the meeting would be postponed until I was available."

"Well now that issue has caused your negligence of duty which in turn has caused the death of twenty-seven soldiers. Has the issue been resolved?" he asked challengingly. "Of the deceased, was Lieut. Hamza Benisheikh who everyone knows of how close you two had been. I must convey my sincerest condolences, but nevertheless I must remind you of how your misconduct is to blame for his death."

I felt a burning lump in my throat and I felt my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach. He was expecting me to say something but I was speechless, Hamza's widow and orphaned child were glazing my vision and I blinked multiple times before I could see past them and look at the General.

Her Boyfriend, My HusbandМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя