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Zainab's POV

Turning and tossing in bed. I couldn't get any sleep even after two cups of chamomile tea, I might just have to take sleeping pills which I have been trying to avoid. If I don't get enough sleep I know I will suck at my gym session in the morning. I picked my phone and was going through somethings and I sent a message to Maryam but it doesn't deliver. She has probably turned off her mobile data and is fast asleep.

Even though I am a little mad at her for yesterday, I know she is just looking out for me, but how do I explain to her my relationship with Yusuf? How do I make her understand that his actions are justified and that our relationship hasn't always been like that and that I caused it all.

I fell asleep with these thoughts running in my mind.

I could see the sun rays in full glare streaming in through the drawn curtains of my window. Checking my bedside clock, it was already 10:35. I can't believe I missed the alarm. I got up and rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and performed ablution. After I finished praying, I rushed down to get some breakfast before leaving for the gym.

I had egg white omelets with keto toast along with a bowl of fruits and a cup of strong black coffee. After breakfast, I took a shower and went to mom's room, I know she wouldn't be around but I just had to check. We don't have the best mother-daughter relationship but in the past few years we have been making efforts to fix it.

The drive to the gym took me just 15 mins,it usually takes me 20 mins. Since I am in a hurry I over sped a little bit.

After 2 hours of cardio, squats and lunges on my own which was out of order with out my coach. I decided I have worked out enough for the day.

Lately I've come to realize that I am perfect the way I am, I don't need to be size zero to be beautiful, I don't need to meet some mindless standards of the society for beauty. I am more comfortable with my body and have learned to love every bit of me. I've set my own precedence for beauty as long as I am healthy, I'm as beautiful as can be.

I came to realize that I am not actually fat, I'm just not as skinny as Maryam, that girl can eat anything and still stay super slim, but then she hardly eats.

The state I am in now, I owe to her. She's the one that inspired me to embrace myself and be comfortable. I remember how one time I was extremely sad when we went shopping and I saw a gorgeous dress that was a size smaller and so wouldn't fit me, right in the middle of the store she put on Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass and broke into the silliest dance ever to cheer me up amazingly over a dozen other people joined in the dance, it was so crazy and I ended up getting another killer dress that fit me perfectly.

When I got back home, I jumped into the shower straight away and dressed in a navy blue crop top and pale lilac skirt. I went to check if mom is back and I found her in the balcony sitting on a couch, watching something on her computer. When she noticed me, she scooched over slightly and motioned for me to join her.

Moments like this, I value a lot. I know mom and I are not that close, but we are making efforts and over the years we have managed to bridge most of the gap between us. We watched orphans of the Sahara, a documentary about the Tuareg people of West African Sahara desserts and their struggles for survival.

Just as the last scene ended, I heard my phone ring, it was Yusuf. I picked after the second ring.

"Zainab, how are you?" came his soft husky voice.

Without waiting for a reply he asked if we could meet after Asr. I knew it's something serious since that's one of his busy times.

With a thousand thoughts running through my mind I managed an answer "I'm good, where do I meet you?"

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