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Yusuf's POV

Today's work load was heavier than usual. I had to wrap up everything since I was taking a week's leave for the wedding. I was also about to be transferred to Lagos to cover an operation. So when I resumed, it would be in Lagos. Tomorrow would be the last day I would work in Abuja till I got transferred again in God knows when and to God knows where.

Despite how busy I was, I made sure to confirm if my secretary had wired the money Zainab asked me to give Maryam. I don't even know if Zainab told Maryam that I won't be living here after the wedding but even if she didn't, I'm sure it won't make any difference to Maryam since she couldn't care less about what I do.

A three hour meeting caused me to offer my zuhr prayer and eat lunch late but just like every other day, I didn't miss praying and eating with Lt. Col. Hamza Benisheikh.

He was the only person I could call friend in the true sense. We schooled together and have been working together for more than five years now. Even though he was three years younger than me, he was already married and had a beautiful three year old daughter. He was stationed in the Lagos HQ and so domiciles there with his family.

We were sat at the dining area of my office, with the table laden with food and his chair opposite mine.

"I think the situation will be better handled now that the NIA have gotten a clear lead."

"Yes sir..." Hamza replied disinterestedly. He had always complained of how I talked too much about work "...we've already mentioned that in the meeting."

"How's Nai'a?"

Hamza's face immediately lit up, and it didn't take a second before he started chattering about his daughter. "Her birthday's coming up exactly a month from now." he finally ended.

"Its really going to be four years since you almost died of a heart attack?" I chuckled and he laughed along as we reminisced about the day his wife gave birth."Subhanallah, the days do go by fast, wallah it feels just like yesterday."

"Exactly why it's high time for you to start your own family Yusuf."

"God's time is the best Lieutenant." I hurriedly said hoping to conclude the discussion before it reaches where I don't want it to.

"For sure it is and yours is near." Hamza said mischievously "You'll be a husband in two days so we expect by this time next year, you'll have your own Nai'a."

Alas it reached the unwanted destination so I only smiled slyly in return. Honestly, the thought of one day being a father has never for once confronted me until now. I remember Zainab has even once told me she wanted us to have five kids, three boys and two girls, and in her craze, she even went as far as naming them. Still I've never wondered how it would be like to be a father, but now, I found myself craving it and though I hate to admit this, missing Zainab.

She had ceased to be calling me regularly like she used to. The last time I saw her was more than two weeks ago and when she texts, she only sends me Jum'ah Mubarak messages not the mushy romantic stuff she used to.

I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind and pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose. The heavy paper work I've been handling today didn't allow me to take them off so even though I didn't like wearing them, I'll probably be spending the rest of today with them on.

"So... any new pictures?"

The last time I saw Nai'a face to face was almost two years ago but I always made sure to ask for her pictures and send her gifts. As always Hamza showed me a lot more photos of his princess as he so lovingly called her, than I bargained for.

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