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Maryam's POV

I couldn't help muttering a curse under my breath when Ibrahim Mu'azu called out my name and made Yusuf turn back to him. I had to turn back too and abandon my failed mission for an escape from my past. The guy right in front of us and carrying his four year old son in his arms was none other than my former suitor.

Of course, things hadn't worked out since here he was, married and already with a child and here I was, married too though it wasn't for the same reason he was.

Though Yusuf didn't say it, I know the qustion on his mind as he stared from me to Ibrahim was "Who is this man and how does he know your name?" so I sighed and took a step forward, towards Ibrahim and I smiled at him, showing him that I wasn't running away like he thought I was.

"It's nice to see you again Ibrahim."

"You too Maryam," he answered, "this is my wife Hussaina and I guess you've already met my son Ahmad."

"Salamu alaikum, ina yini." I beamed at the nice looking lady. "And oh yes, we've met Sergeant Ahmad though we're still arguing about who's the prettiest teletubby." I pulled Ahmad's cheeks playfully.

"Really?" Hussaina smiled at me, "Everyone knows Dipsy is the best." and so the mother shares her son's taste.

"Yayyy Mommy!" Ahmad hugs his mother and his cuteness made me awwn.

"So..." Ibrahim said and I noticed he was looking at Yusuf who was still standing behind me and I knew he was expecting me to introduce him just like Ibrahim had introduced his wife.

"Yes, and this is my husband," I put emphasis on that word and strangely, it felt good. "Yusuf Alhassan."

Yusuf steps ahead, standing beside me and I didn't even know when I grasped his arm and inch closer towards him and again, that proximity oddly made me feel more secure and less embarrassed about the whole situation.

"And Yusuf, this is my... friend, Ibrahim Mu'azu, it's been a while since I've seen him." I finish the awkward introductions.

"Salamu alaikum." Yusuf extends his hand to Ibrahim and with a strong grip, he shook his hand. "Ahmad is a lovely kid, Masha Allah, Allay ya raya." he says with a soft smile on his face and my mind travels back to his intereaction with the little boy.

I had always thought that Yusuf had a harsh and rough exterior and him being in the army supported that point but with every passing day, I see how wrong I was. Yusuf was the gentlest, most caring man I've ever come across and seeing how he behaved with Ahmad earlier made me realise that more. For all our time together, he has been nothing but kind and considerate towards me and every day, I keep exploring more of his perfect manners.

"Thank you." Ibrahim answers, "And it's hard to not know who Yusuf Alhassan is. Its a privilege to meet you in person. And also you guys make a lovely couple, barakallah." Ibrahim finishes with a sly smile and I didn't like the tone of his voice.

I was wondering if he still held a grudge over what had happened all those years ago and by what he just said, I realise he still did. He still is in isn't over me rejecting our alliance after everything has already been made official. He had been nice and loving to me and there was nothing lacking in him except one single thing. Yaya Abdallah didn't approve of him and at the end of the day, he made me realise that Ibrahim truly isn't the right guy for me. But up till now, when I ask myself why that is, I still can't seem to find the answer.

"Ameen, thank you. You make a lovely family too." Yusuf answered as he slides his hand back into his pocket and my hold on his other arm only gets tighter. "So, we just arrived actually, and we were going to the restaurant to get something to eat, would you guys like to join?"

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