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Yusuf's POV

I admit that I was on edge and though definitely, this is the larger part, it's not entirely only because I had seen Maryam in the most distressed state I have ever seen her. I have never seen Maryam cry and if not for that balloon thing, I have never even ever seen her afraid of anything but still, a part of me was more on edge because of Abdallah's presence, because of how he had just behaved with Maryam. How he looked at her made it very clear that indeed, what that deranged Ibrahim Mu'azu said had some truth in it. Abdallah has feelings for Maryam, for my wife.

I breathed in heavily and let the chilly night air flood into my lungs hoping that it would help in calming this fiery feeling in my chest. I had put on a calm front even though I was anything but calm after Abdallah had the guts to even suggest that he'd drive my wife, in the night, all the way to Sokoto. I shook my head and dismissed all the negative thoughts that were starting to form about him. I loathe holding grudges or harboring bad feelings for anyone and so even though it would be hard, I would control myself and not give in to disliking Abdallah.

I had excused myself and stepped outside the house to make a call. I was going to arrange for a flight to take my panicking and distraught wife to Sokoto to see her sick grandfather. No way in my right senses would I allow Maryam to do as she suggested and go to the motor park but I'll be even crazier if allow Abdallah's suggestion of driving her there. I brought out my phone and dialed Hamza's number, knowing he has better accessibility and reach to arrange everything.

"Hello Yusuf? Me and Farida were just about to call you guys to here if you arrived safely."

"Yes, Alhamdulillah," I answered hurriedly."I need you to call Jeremiah and tell him I need a flight to Sokoto asap, I'll be in the hanger in less than thirty minutes but if he's not available arrange for some other pilot."

"Yes sir. But is everything alright?" Hamza said cautiously, he most have sensed the urgency with which I spoke.

"It's a family emergency Hamza. I need you to arrange that flight right now. And I likely won't be coming to the office Monday. And perhaps for the rest of the week."

"But the operation briefing----"

"I know, I know." I remembered the meeting and I held the bridge of my nose feeling stuck. "But listen, I'll handle General Mikail. You can take my place if need be. This is important Hamza, I'll have to take some time to sort it so now, call Jerry, me and Maryam are heading to the hanger."

"Yes sir." Hamza said even if he sounds unconvinced and I cut the call, striding back into the house. Worried that I had left Abdallah inside and Maryam was crying. What if he tries to comfort her again?

Thankfully, when I entered, Maryam was the only one seated on one of the couches. As I approached her, my heart broke into a million pieces seeing the dismal expression on her face. She had cried herself to exhaustion and could no longer produce anymore tears.

"Maryam," I sat next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's OK. Just get ready and we'll leave right now."

I saw  the instant change in her and her expression turns almost joyful at the news but then, it drops again as she looked at me with critical eyes.

"We?" she asks doubtfully. "No Yusuf, you can't come with me. You have work and everything and I can't ask you to leave so indefinitely."

I was hurt by that. Maryam thinks I'd rather leave her alone in this state and go back to my work than stay with her and share in her sorrow? How could I make her understand that now, she was the topmost priority in my life.

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