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Maryam's POV

I walked to the little hut that had an ice cream sign on it with Nai'a perched in my arms. She was busy singing a nursery rhyme to herself while I was busy thinking about the implications of all these weird feelings I've been having as I walked through the crowd absentmindedly.

I just know that I greatly feel uncomfortable about it but bizarrely, I just know that I also actually, enjoy it. I couldn't explain but I just know that something in me was starting to change. Something about how I look at Yusuf had changed, something about the effects of his presence on me has changed and most importantly something about what I feel when he looks at me has changed.

I should have just brushed off all of Farida's teasings, they shouldn't have affected me but they did and I found myself to be bashful. It was weird that I actually felt shy but whatever, I just won't go back there until I was sure I had gained enough of my former character back to not mind whatever Farida might say now.

I didn't want Yusuf to think I was showing any signals, it would mean I had stepped out of line and it would be awkward for the both of us. Now, it was only about ten months to go before the year runs out and I would be free of Yusuf and give him back to the one that is truly his in the first place, Zainab.

The last time I talked to ZoZo was when she called me to let me know that she had settled safely in Paris one week ago. She didn't even know me and Yusuf had come to Kajuru castle together and I don't know if she would feel bad about it which makes me feel kind of guilty. I only agreed to come here because I would get to go to Abuja and meet my family.

Now, it was only about six hours to go before me and Yusuf bored a flight to Abuja and I will see Mommy for the first time since we moved to Lagos. That was the highlight of this whole trip I've been waiting for. I've been suppressing it all these days but I just miss her more than I thought I would and I can't wait for when she'll hug me tight and feed me with her hands.

I was glad to see that the ice cream place wasn't very crowded and I hurriedly went to stand over the glass display table. Nai'a shrieked delightedly as she peered down at the multiple flavours of ice cream.

"I want vif one Aunty." she pointed to the strawberry flavor.

"Okay my Nai'a." I said to her with a smile before turning to the lady serving the ice cream. "Please give us two scoops of strawberry ice cream in a cup."

"Yes ma'am." she answered politely and a short while later, handed me the cup heaped with ice cream.

I was about to fish out some money from my purse and give it to her when I heard a male voice from behind me and an outstretched hand in front giving the lady the money.

"It's on me Maryam Rabah," there was a crooked smile on Ibrahim's face as he said that. "It'll be my pleasure to treat you and your beautiful daughter."

"No, it's OK. Thank you but I will pay." I said flatly, not even minding to point out to him that Nai'a wasn't my daughter.

"Please give him back his money and take this. Keep the change." I said to the ice cream lady as I handed her a N1000 note.

"Haba Maryam, ba'a maida hannun kyauta baya fa. (Help me translate o XD)"

"Nagode, Allah ya saka but I can handle it, don't worry. Excuse me." I muttered while I attempted to brush past him with Nai'a now walking beside me.

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