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Dawud's POV

So again, I've agreed to something like this. After the two hour lecture my manager gave me about not accepting to do free gigs even if the person requesting for it is someone very close to me, I went ahead and did it anyway. I just couldn't turn down Sarah's request, she's been a friend since my hustling days and she's recently opened up her own cafe and this little time I would spare would help her business a lot. How could I refuse her?

Besides, I had only spent a little over an hour and I hadn't come with my bodyguard or anyone else that would give away the fact that "Drizzle" had been here. I specifically asked for the curtains of the interior's of the cafe to be drawn and for the lights to be dimmed so my presence wouldn't be so noticed even when I got up on the small stage to sing.

But this was Lagos afterall, word of mouth spread faster than bush fire and before I knew it, the cafe was a full house and I soon regretted coming without Badmus' aide. My bodyguard would have certainly helped a lot in the crowd control and I wouldn't have to leave early instead of doing one more song.

I apologised to Sarah and explained how I had to rush out before the pesky fleas that were the paparazzi get here. I got out through the backexit and hopped into my Lexus before anyone noticed. I drove off feeling victorious yet regretful of having to leave so early. I certainly have just learnt a lesson, I couldn't handle a day out in the city without Badmus, it sounded sissy but yes I do admit that I need my bodyguard.

Especially when the day only got more hectic from there. I had almost run a woman over but bizarrely, I ended up feeling some connection to her. Perhaps it was because she didn't go all crazy and fawn over my stardom like most people would. The use of my sixth sense was pretty accurate, seeing her disoriented state and when we bid goodbye at the end of the day, something tells me this wasn't the last time I would see her face but I leave the rest for time to unravel.

It was almost 6pm when I started driving home and the city lights were gradually coming to life, illuminating the streets that held the flashes of my childhood and all the days of my struggle. It had been a quite a while since fame knocked on my door but at times like this, it still felt surreal. I took my time cruising through the streets and letting myself reminisce on old but cherished memories.

I arrived at the grand gates of our house and beeped the car horn a few times before the securities scrambled to open it up. I didn't have a private residence like most people think I would, I still lived with my family that included my mom, my 20 year old sister and 17 year old brother. My father has been late for more than ten years now and this house we lived in was the one he worked day and night to purchase. The house that held so many memories of our strife and successes as a family. And of course after the stardom, the fame and the riches, I bought the two houses close to us and rebuilt the whole plot into a mansion that my manager gave the green light for being worthy to house "Drizzle."

I didn't bother to park and just got out of the car, throwing the keys to a nearby guard and told him to park my precious Lexus. Before I walked into the house, I was glad to meet Badmus standing outside but not so glad to tell him the events of my days without him.

"Evening sir. How was your day?" his deep voice said as he smiled darkly, as if waiting for me to admit how wrong I was in stopping him from accompanying me.

I had to look up before I could match my eyes with his more than six foot five stature. Badmus was dressed like he usually was in a black suit and a gold chain around his black turtle neck t-shirt that rolled up under the length of his thick black beard.

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