chapter twenty-seven

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chapter twenty-seven: a dream come true

Spencer and Cassie were able to find a hotel near the campus and book a room with two beds as they planned on the plane

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Spencer and Cassie were able to find a hotel near the campus and book a room with two beds as they planned on the plane.

It was night time now and the two laid back on their beds as they talked about Cassie's plane reading, Spencer reading through some of the articles they were talking about.

The next morning, the two woke up naturally at the same time, around 8 am.

The lecture was at 10 am so they had plenty of time before they had to make their way to the college campus.

Cassie stood in the bathroom, applying her makeup, as the door opens and Spencer walks in already dressed in his usual attire.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just needed to wash my hands real quick" he apologizes, feeling like he may have intruded and she laughs.

"You're fine, Spence. Here" she moves back so he can use the sink and he sends her a shy smile before going on to wash his hands as he said, Cassie applying her mascara without using the mirror.

"Are you ever afraid of poking your eye?" He asks and she chuckles.

"No, not really. I've done it for nearly fifteen years, it's kind of an executive function for me" she jokes and he smiles.

"You're very pretty" the words slip out of his mouth before his brain could catch up as he turned the sink off.

"Thank you" She responds shyly with a smile, a blush creeping to her face as she closed the mascara tube.

"Um...I meant...uh-"

"You're cute, Spencer" she steps forward as he moves from the sink and she lightly pats his cheek, making his red cheeks redder as he dried his hands on a towel.

He quickly walks out, wanting to avoid how awkward and embarrassed he felt from admitting that to her.

"Hey, if you want to grab breakfast before heading to the lecture we should probably leave at nine" Cassie shouts from the bathroom as Spencer nervously looked through his bag, trying to stay distracted.

But there was one thing he loved about Cassie. When he did things that were embarrassing, she never spoke of it and would change the subject as normal. It brought him a sense of comfort.

"I saw a small diner about a block down if you want to eat there?" He responds as she walks back to the main room, grabbing her own bag and setting it on the neatly made bed to make sure she had everything.

"Sounds good" she nods.

Soon, the two had left for breakfast and made it to the lecture hall before 10 am.

Once they enter the lecture hall, students were already crowding in and the two agents found a spot in the center of the room, knowing from years of experience that that spot was one of the best.

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