Chapter 28

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Louis Tomlinson

We finally reached Stockholm and we entered the arrivals to pick up our bags. We then head over to the desk where they ask the purpose for our visit. While standing in the line, we discussed what we were gonna say. It's our turn now and the person sitting behind the desk asked us, "The purpose of your visit?" "Uh... basically me and my friend are here to do our college campaign." I said calmly. "For how long you're gonna stay?" He asks with his raspy tone. "For 4 months." I said and then walk towards the currency exchange.

We move towards the gate and he then asks, "Really? 5 weeks?" I said placing my hand over his shoulder, "It was a lie you know. We'll somehow manage to get permanent citizenship." He huffed and asks, "Where are we living? Don't say airbnb." "Who the fuck lives in airbnb? I told ya, we were gonna live in a guest house." I said with a smirk on my face. He's shocked and says, "Where will you find a guest house! We don't even know anybody living here. And also, how are we supposed to explain why we need to stay?" I rolled my eyes and said, "Don't believe me? Let me take you."

I grab his wrist as we hop into a taxi and said, "Delmont street." The driver nods and starts driving. Harry looks pissed off and I'm guessing it because he thinks we're gonna live on the streets. We are in Delmont street and stopped the taxi and paid him.

"Where are we going Lou? I'm getting pissed off with this thing." He said with a raspy tone. I again grabbed his wrist and got out of the taxi. We walk down the empty street and finally stop in front of a house. "So, you're gonna ask this person for letting us stay here? Look Louis, if they said no and keeps on repeating and we've to stay on the streets, then I need I ticket home." He said rolling his eyes in mistrust.

I leave his hand and walk towards the door. I knock it and a lady opens the door. She adjusted her glasses and says, "Louis?"......

Harry was kinda worried because he's a clean man. Just keep reading!

Meet Me in the Hallway // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now