Chapter 13

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The show time

Harry Styles

It's the day I'm about to burn the stage with my performance. I mean, not actually burning it. I'm just confident I will make it. The show finally starts and my entrance made the crowd clapped for few seconds.

I was going pretty well until it was the last scene. The hound (Brian) got distracted. His mask came lower on his face, covering his eyes and he started walking the other direction. The crowd got confused for what's happening on the stage. I tried helping him but he was out of reach. The others tried helping and it all become a mess because Brian won't stop moving unknowingly.

The crowd started laughing, except for our parents who were worried about us.  Then Niall had to catch him tightly so that he'll stop moving. I don't know why but Brian could've stopped somewhere in the middle and fixed his mask but didn't did it.

After the show was over, the teacher scolded Brian for his hilariousness but then examined his eyes. They were bloodshot, indicating something's wrong with him. He wasn't even able to talk and his body became numb, falling on the ground. Everyone gasped and even the parents backstage. Brian's parents picked him up and rushed to the hospital ASAP. All of us were worried, even the teacher who had no idea what had just happened.

We exited the theatre and my side took a taxi. We reached home and the first thing I did as soon as I entered was walk up the stairs, entering my room, locking it and heading towards the bathroom to turn on the shower. I really needed one nice shower. The water heated up and I stripped down and enter the shower. I ran my hands through my wet curls, trying to push back what happened to Brian. That makes me paranoid, thinking that he all of a sudden acted crazy then passed out for no reason. I was done and dried myself quickly to dress up and have my dinner.

The next morning, I arrived to school and I saw Brian's parents in the principal's office. I was curious about yesterday's incident but then I thought not to ask them what happened in the hospital. I put my stuff in the locker and pulled out my books and headed straight towards my class, not meeting the people.

Fast forward

Lunch break! I went to my locker to grab my lunch bag and headed towards the cafeteria. As soon as I caught sight of them, I walk up to them and sat down. The only thing that was gong on was about Brian. Mary said nervously, "My parents know what happened to Brian. My dad was his doctor and he said that he was overdose that evening. His parents grounded him and kept him captive until Fall starts."

I widened my eyes in shock, so did everyone after knowing what he did. How the fuck did he consume that day when he was around us all the time? He must've done that when he went to the bathroom because that's where nobody knows what your doing. I thought he was a pure guy except that he drinks. He was also suspended from the drama club for that reason. But the thing that he's grounded till Fall makes me think that he'll be grounded for like 2 months or something? Never mind, I should not waste my thoughts on him. He deserved it anyway. Lunch break was over and we exited the room.

It was the end of the day and we dispersed but Chloe stopped us. She said excitedly, "Why don't we go to a diner tonight? We hardly get time to hangout ya'll know." We agreed saying things we never did that and we walk home. As me and Louis walk, he asks me, "Shall we walk together while going to the diner? My mom will sure feel safe about me." I nodded and said, "Yeah why not." I hit his arm playfully and I run up to my house. "So at 7 I shall come.", said Louis as I was standing in front of the door. I showed a thumbs up and walk in. I informed my mom about this and she agreed.

Let's see what happens at the diner... Also Brian's part was reasonably hard to write.

Meet Me in the Hallway // L.S.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora