Chapter 18

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Louis Tomlinson

It was around 3:45 in the afternoon and was about to head out until my mom caught me and asked, "Where are you going young man?" I lied, "To the park to meet the boys." She nodded and said, "Be back by 6." I tell "OKAY" and walk out and straight towards the park. I wait for Harry to show up.

He came jogging towards me and said, "Let's go inside" pointing towards the park. We search for a place to sit and saw a tree with brown dried leaves. I said pointing towards the tree, "Let's sit under that tree." He agreed and walk towards the tree to sit under its shade.

There was an uncomfortable silence between us as we sat on the dried ground. I break the silence by pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to Harry. He takes it and opens it. His jaw dropped looking at the paper and said, "When did you write these questions? Are you wanting to know me better?" I said scratching the back of my neck, "Yeah... I was pretty shy to ask you these questions verbally so I thought to write it down for you."

He answers all my questions honestly.
" I always wanted to go to Stockholm", "My favourite drink is black coffee", "I don't have a favourite colour", "The prettiest part of you is your smile and eyes", "My birthday is on February 1"...

He asks the same questions to me and we talked for what felt only 30 minutes until I saw the clock. It's 6 already?! I stand up on my feet and so did he looking at me in confusion. "My mom told me to come by 6. We better reach home before it's too dark." He looks at the clock and realises too, so we head home. We talked our way for the rest of the journey until he reached home.

Before he goes away, I told him that we should change our contact names. He said, "Why don't we keep it BLUE and GREEN as our eye colours?" I nodded in disagreement, "That's too kiddy ya know? Why don't we keep it Frankie for me and Susan for you? So, if any of us text or called and our parents take a peep, they'll find out it just a girl. That way we can keep it far away from our parents also." He thinks for a while and then agrees to it.

We changed our names and walked to our houses, waving at each other.

The rest of the time we either text message each other or called to keep our connection even while staying home. I wasn't able to go out because winters came and it started snowing heavily. My mom wouldn't let me be sick by stepping out in the freezing cold winter and so did Harry.

Yeah... they didn't made out in the park due to privacy reasons. But they're officially in a relationship :)

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